38:) New future.

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"Shanae, wake up! You don't want to miss your flight," My mom shouted across the room as she paced herself around the house.

I don't really know what to feel at this very moment. The excitement never really went away. All the memories and the people that I have to wave goodbye to, is what I wanted to avoid. Maybe things happened for a reason, maybe this will be a good thing for me. Maybe leaving everything behind and starting fresh is what I needed right now.

Without further ado, I took my very last shower here and wore something comfy for my flight to Canada. I applied wing eyeliner on both of my eyes and did my eyebrows. I shuffled my feet to the kitchen and grab something to eat. My flight is at 8 so I have a couple more hours before my ride to the airport.

We were all sitting in silence, I guess there was nothing much to say. I'm staying there for 2 years and i'm not sure if I can comeback during that period of time.

Soon after, I climb my way back to my room. I've already arranged my clothes in my luggage bag and my books in my backpack and now i'm just reminiscing my room for the last time before I bring my bags down.

I took a brief moment looking around my room, when I noticed a note on my desk. It says to read on the flight and inside contains a 100 dollar bill with a letter from Warrent. I chuckled as I stashed it in my back pocket. I gave my room a last glance and carried my bags downstairs.

"Need help?" Tyler offered me his hands.


"I'm so gonna miss you," He said as he carried my bag and place it near the door.

"Awww," I smiled. I then pulled him into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too!" I hugged, never letting go.

"Please take care of yourself," He said.

I then felt another pair of arms surround me. "I'm gonna miss you too!"


"Yeah, I wanted to drop by before you leave. Your mom let me in," she pointed out.

"Thanks Roxy, I'm gonna miss you too!" I hugged her for the very last time.

As I pushed my bags to the front porch, mom was standing there with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Ma," I sighed as I scurried up to her and gave her my biggest and longest hug.

"I can't bare the thought of you not being here again," She cooed.

"Don't worry, i'm coming back as soon as I graduate with a diploma," I replied.

"Take care okay, If anything happen you can contact us whenever,"

"Thanks ma," I kissed her on the cheek as I entered the Uber car.

The ride to the airport was depressing enough. I kept thinking about all those memories i've made all these past years, my teenage years and now my adulthood. Those people who came into my life and made me who I am today.

Sarah and Reagan will never be forgotten, they're always somewhere deep down in my heart. I stare down at my chest as I touched the necklace that once belonged to her.

By the time I reached the airport, it was 6:45pm. I checked in and waited near the entrance of the airplane. I was sitting quietly, waiting for the stewardess to access entry for the remaining of us to board the plane. Meanwhile I was busy scrolling through my instagram, looking at old pictures of me and those people that plays a huge part in my life. These precious moments that I will never ever forget.

I was caught up in the moment that I didn't realise someone was nudging my shoulder.

"Sorry miss, If i'm not wrong. I think that lady is calling you right there," an old man pointed out.

I turned around and saw Joey standing at the other side of the thicken glass. My phone then rang.

"I never thought you would have come," I said.

"Why wouldn't I," I see her lips moving but the only way i'm hearing it, is through my phone.

"Shan, I was never over you," She confessed.

"I don't want you to go, I don't want to live my life without you by my side. I want to wake up beside you, eat breakfast with you, go dates with you and create more and special memories with you," She says as she place her hand on the glass.

"Please stay," she sniffled.

I hung up the phone, and turned around. Almost everyone have boarded the plane. The time now was nearing 8 and if i don't enter immediately, I might as well catch another flight. I know that there wasn't a way out and I have to give an answer.

I gazed into her eyes as mine eyes starts to water. I then mustered up the courage and mouthed out the words 'I can't, I'm sorry.'

I then pulled myself away from the glass and boarded the plane to a new future ahead of me.

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