8:) Mom?

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1 week later

Days swam by and each day I would try to forget about the incident. It's tough, but I told myself not to push those valuable people away from my life. Warrent and I have build a great relationship, she restrained from drinking and clubbing. I guess she's better now.

Today, Tyler has made plans to have dinner at his place. He told me he only lives with his mom. He doesn't want to talk about his father and I respect that. So the problems is I am meeting his mom and I'm extremely nervous, my legs are trembling and my palms are sweating. Negative thoughts began to dance around my mind. My thoughts were erased when I felt Tyler's hand caressing my thigh.

"Hey, are you okay? Is it too fast? Would you like me to drive back home? We could always do it next time," Tyler said. I just shook my head.

"You know you don't need to do this if you are scared I won't force you," he added.

"No, I want to meet your mom. I'm fine perfectly fine," I showed the okay sign with my fingers.

"Alright then, but don't feel pressurised. You have nothing to worry about, mom will like you instantly, especially with your similarities," 

After passing by a few houses we finally arrived at his house. I've never been to his house before, but it looks like an ordinary house not too small not too big just perfect. I went in and his house was amazing it was simple yet nice.

"Mom, I'm home and I brought my girlfriend too," he shouted and smile at me, he was so cute.

"Yeah I'm in the kitchen, sit down first I'm going to get both of you drinks" his mom replied.

"Hey can I look at those pictures" I said pointing at the wall, He nodded his head. 

I stood up making my way towards the wall that was filled with numerous pictures. One of the pictures depicts Tyler riding his tricycle and then there was him and Joey eating ice cream, I think they were 7 or 8 years old Joey and Tyler look so cute! I took out my phone and took a picture of it.

*Crash* the glass were scattered around her legs. Without hesitating or wasting any time. Tyler and I, quickly crouched down to our knees as we picked up the broken glasses that was on the floor.

Tyler's mom wasn't moving an inch at all, she was as stagnant as a statue. While I was collecting the broken pieces of glasses together, one of the glasses pierced my finger. Tyler push me away and told me to get it clean. I stood up wanting to get a paper towel but before that, I just had the urge to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Shanae, Tyler's girlfriend" I introduced myself.

"Shanae Rae Watson," Before I could tell her my name, she already said it out.

"Yes, ma'am. That's my full name, Tyler must have mentioned it," I smiled.

"My daughter," she said looking into my eyes.

I'm clueless now, what is she talking about. Was she okay?

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"You're my daughter, this can't be," She said in disbelief.

Daughter? I'm so confused right now. Why was she talking this way? I examine the features on her face, she looked familiar but I wasn't sure. She can't be my mother, I've never seen her face before. Something struck me in that heat of the moment, she looks identical to the woman whom syood by father's old wedding picture, that was hidden in a stash in his drawer. 

"No, you can't be my mother. Tell me you're lying," I shook my head. She can't be my mother the one who left me and now she is my boyfriend's mother unbelievable!

"Hey what happened have you introduced yourself yet?"Ty questioned.

"I don't have to!" I spat. A few drops of tears streaming down my cheek as I ran out of Ty's house and ran to the nearest park.

I didn't know what to do anymore, it was almost midnight. I went through my contacts and saw Joey's number, I was contemplating on whether or not should I ring her. I mean it's better since I can't call Warrent she will ask me what had happened and I can't tell her that I just met our mom. So I finalised my decision to call Joey.

"Hey umm, Joey can you pick me up?" I hesitantly asked

"Huh hmmm yeah yeah," hearing Joey half sleep voice made me giggled.


"YEA um yeah what's wrong what did he do to you?"Joey asked which was out of topic.

"Joey can you pick me up but you seem tired so I'm just gonna ask someone else,"

"No! I'm awake I can pick you up where are you?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to disturb you,"

"No you are not and will never be, where are you now?"

"I'm near a park just around Tyler's house. Thanks, Joey,"

After a few minutes Joey arrived with her hair tied up to a messy bun and wearing a onesie, she looks so cute.

"So why are you here aren't you suppose to be at Tyler's house?" she asked.

Talking about Tyler's house just made me think of my mom again gosh.

"Can we please just go!" I said a little too harsh.

"So where are we going?" she asked,

"Just bring me to a hotel, I don't want my sister to nag at me," I requested with not much energy left to talk.

On our way back to her house my eyes betrayed me as I fell into a deep sleep.

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