6:) Jealousy

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As I open my eyes all I could see was the light that was shining through my window and the aroma of toast and coffee lingering through my room. But who am I kidding, I still have school and going to school will always be a dreadful routine for me.

I pulled myself up and sat at the edge of the bed, stretching every inch of my body. It took me a couple of minutes to actually stand up and walk towards the bathroom but eventually, I did. After a quick wash up, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and applied light make up on my face. I put on a punk-ish singlet with a leather jacket on. Put on jeans and a pair of ankle boots.

I then walked down a flight of stairs to the kitchen and poured myself some coffee and ate toast as usual. But couldn't help but notice my sister sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal and actually watching tv, sober.

My sister then switched off the tv and turned to me asking me whether I wanted a ride to school. I was in disbelief, she was never this nice. Maybe it's a one-time thing but I just shrug it off told her it would be nice.

She then went to the garage to drive her Lamborghini out. I was in shocked at first cause she had never let anyone ride her car or even touch them. I hesitantly entered the car, it was weird at first but I had to ease myself out as she drove to my school in a speed of light.

Soon later we reached near the entrance of the school and I quickly hopped out of the car. I wiggled my way into the entrance as the ride was making light-headed for a moment.

"Whoa..there you okay you look drunk, have you been drinking again?" Sarah jokingly imitates a cliche mother.

"Shut up," As I playfully push her shoulder.

I continued walking while telling her how different my sister treated me this morning.

Lunch was all I've been waiting for. I quickly grab my lunch and sat next to Sarah, we continued chit-chatting until our conversation was interrupted by Tyler and Joey. The idea of Joey coming to our school was not expected from me, I completely forgot that she had to stay a year back. But I couldn't help but notice that tight outfit that was showing off her curves.

"Hey Tyler and....?" Sarah stammered.

"This is Joey she is my best friend she just moved here, hope it's fine that she's sitting with us," Tyler introduced. Joey then smiled at Sarah and I. They both sat beside me as I was squished in between.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Tyler asks worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine so how's school, Joey isn't it great?" I commented sarcastically. Joey then giggled

"No not that much, but people here are quite friendly. Which is great!" she said while looking at Stephany.

Stephany isn't the type of friend you would want to be friends with. She's the kind of girl that fits in the term of the 'school's slut' and spreads rumours about you behind your back and pretends it wasn't her.

"Shan, you okay?" Sarah questioned.

"Yea.. yeah, just need some fresh air. Feels a little stuffy that's all, I'll be back," I said walking out of the cafeteria.

I didn't notice that Sarah had followed me when she appeared right beside me.

"Hey Shan, you alright?"

"Yeah, just feeling different," I shrugged.

"Feeling different in you or other people?" She nudges me sideways.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you looking at her," She grinned. I looked down as I kept my mouth shut. I didn't know how to respond.

"Look I don't care If you like a girl or a boy, a trans or a monkey. Umm...Maybe I would care if you fell for a monkey. But the point is, you're still my best friend and nothing will change that," she said.

"Aww, you're the best," I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"I know, I'm best. But please don't fall for a monkey," she said over my shoulder. I chuckled as I continue hugging my world's greatest best friend.

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