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Joey's POV

I kept thinking of her during science lesson. She was a little off today, she seemed different. She was pale and looked a little drained out. I asked her if she was okay but she said she was fine.

After the bell rang, I packed all my books and placed it into my bag. My tablemate and I went off together to grab a bite before I could even ask Tyler to join us, he had already left the room before others could. While we were walking to the cafeteria, we heard a lot of commotion near the girl's toilet. We both were curious to what has happened, so we went to inspect the situation ourselves.

When we were making our way into the crowd, people were murmuring about some girl that has lost consciousness. When I took a peek at the infamous girl that everyone was gossiping about, I realised that it was Shanae lying on the floor. My eyes bulge and my jaw was hanging loose. I should've known and these people aren't doing anything either, they were moving their mouth instead of their hands.

I quickly pick her up and went to search for the nurse. But to no luck, I couldn't find any. Instead, I saw a room filled with beds. I rushed in and put her down on an unoccupied bed. I quickly went to search for a nurse but no one was there. Both my palm and my forehead was sweating from anxiety but luckily a woman in her 30's walked into the room.

"Excuse me why are you here?" the nurse asked.

But instead of answering, I pulled her to Shan. When she realised what I was talking about. She quickly took out her equipment to further check on Shanae. So I decided to call her sister Warrent.

Warrent's pov


I pick up my phone and took a look at the caller ID. It was Shan and she wasn't supposed to call during school time.

"Hello, why are you calling me at this time?" I answered.

"Hi this is Joey, I'm Shanae's friend. I don't know what had happened but Shanae fainted" 

"Oh what happen to her?!" I asked

"I'm not sure myself, she just fainted near the toilet. Did something happened this morning?"

"Well she looked a little sick earlier, if I'm not wrong she vomited too. I thought she was fine after that," I stated.

"Umm well I cannot pick her up and neither of our family is free. Maybe she will feel better later? For now just get a cab to our address," 

Joey's Pov

I was extremely worried about Shanae, she's still not awake yet. The nurse said she probably fainted due to lack of energy and probably didn't eat a proper meal for days and that's when air entered in her stomach which caused her to vomit.

I then sent a quick message to Tyler.

"Where are you? Shanae is in the nurse room and you're nowhere to be found?"

"I'll be there," he replied. Tyler then walked across the room towards us.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Busy," he shrugged.

"What's up with you? Your girlfriend passed out and that's all you can say?" I spat.

"Not anymore,"

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You know, what it means. She freaking dumped me!" He shouted.

"Do you mind, I'm still in the room. If you need to shout go somewhere else," The nurse commanded. Shanae then moved slightly.

"Hey, you feeling better?" I caress her arm.

"Yeah," She said sitting herself up.

"Joey can you leave us alone for a minute?" she requested.

Shanae's Pov.

"I'm sorry when I pushed you off earlier," I apologised.

"Shanae, you know I love you right," he said.

"No, No Ty. This relationship is over, you have to move on," 

"But why?" he questioned.

"You know why" I answered.

"I don't want a relationship with you, especially now that we are somewhat related. I lost feelings for you, Sorry Ty," I said as I stood up making my way towards Joey, but the next thing I knew my mind got pitched black again.

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