32:) Prom?

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Pale face, weary eyes, empty stomach. Black dress, black shoes, black hair-tie and a painful smile was what I brought with me to Reagan's funeral.

Joey insisted to accompany even though she had no connection with Reagan. She was there for me and I'm grateful to have her by my side. Even though we didn't know each other for a prolonged period of time, I knew that we had a special connection between us.

The necklace that is hanging around my neck used to be hers. The ring that's been hooked through the string says 'dream on' and that's what I will do. Dream like tomorrow would be my last day. Love is mysterious in every way. She showed me what love truly is and why we should persevere even when it gets tough. To never give up on who we love and to live our life to the fullest.


Weeks later.

Dragging my feet along the hallways, crossing both of my arms across my chest and the thought of getting to class was a miserable task. I think all of us here are walking zombies. After dozing off throughout the first few classes, it was lunch time and I was starving. I grabbed a tray and waited in line as my stomach growled in hunger. Once I had a plate of edible food on my tray, I took a seat on a empty table and ate whatever was on my plate.

While gobbling down the food, Joey and Tyler sneak and sat around me.

"How's your day?" Joey referred at me.

"A little eh," I replied not looking up.

"Well it's a few more days to prom and few more weeks to graduation, aren't you excited?" She spoked.

"Yeah sure I guess," I half smiled.

Soon after the bell rang and we three proceeded towards our next class. Since I'm always dozing off in classes, I decided to read a book instead. One of the teachers from my class got so annoyed that he send me out. 'Great' I thought, more alone time for me to read peacefully outside class.

School was over and it was raining pitchforks by the time class was dismissed. Of all days why must it be today. Instead of doing anything, I went to seat down near the entrance of the school and continued reading my book.

"Hey bookworm, forgot to bring an umbrella," Joey asked as she sat beside me.

"Bingo," I mumbled, still reading quietly.

"Here I have one, we can share and I can drop you off wherever you want,"

"Thanks, but you can drop me off here," I replied.

"Okay then," she said. She then stared at the rain that was coming down in buckets. I was wondering when she was going to leave but she just sat there motionlessly.

"Aren't you leaving?" I questioned as I shifted my bag to the front so I could shove my book back inside.

"Nope, i'm waiting for someone," she looked at me grinning.

"Well okay," I said as we both stared into thin air.

I didn't know how long we were there but as soon as my eyes came into view , the rain had stopped and all of the other students were nowhere to be seen. My head was plopped down on Joey's shoulder, I didn't realise it was there until I woke up from my nap.

"How long have we been here?" I asked, stretching my upper body.

"Quite sometime, the sound of the rain and you snoring made me stay," she commented with a chuckle.

"I do not snore!" I playfully shoved her away.

She laughed as she stood up and pulled her bag across her shoulders. She then lifted her hand out for me to reach and I gladly accepted it as she pulled me up.

"Lets go, let me drop you off at Tyler's and I'll leave you alone," she insisted.

"Fine," I walked with Joey to her car.

Right after we reach Tyler's house, she opened the car door for me to leave. While I was walking up front, I was blinded by an unknown object around my head because the next thing I saw was darkness. I could feel a cloth tightening around my eyes and Joey's breath at the back of my neck.

"Joey what are you doing?" I said trying to released the cloth away from my head.

"Just walk upfront," she replied.

I followed her instructions and continued my pace until she told me to stop. She then unleashed the blindfold, I quickly adjust my sight to recover from the view. I then looked and examined my surroundings till I saw a sign saying 'Will you go prom with me?'. I was baffled, what was going on and when I turned around Joey was on the ground with a box on her right hand.

She then revealed the box that had a paper corsage in it. She then waited for an answer.

"I know it might be weird but could I at least enjoy a day with you?"
"We could go back to normal the next day?" She suggest.

I then took the corsage and placed it around my wrist as a sign of a yes.

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