35:) Moving in.

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"That's everything," Tyler placed the last and few boxes near my desk.

"Thanks," I replied

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Nope, I think I can handle the rest by myself," I said.

It's been weeks since i've moved here. Everything has been great for me, I've sent my college application into med school in Canada and a few colleges here. I decided to get into med-school because of Reagan, I was overwhelmed by her death that it sparked a light in me to pursue med-school. There's one in Canada and i'm expecting to get into it, I've heard a lot of outstanding things there.

Mom and Tyler have been extremely welcoming and nice to me even though i'm such a pain in the arse, but everything is much more better than living at dad's. Speaking of dad, he wasn't really happy about me moving out but he couldn't do anything about it either. Warrent did visit here more often, but she's too caught up with work and barely had any time to stay.

It's been months since i've seen or spoken to Joey. She never did try to reach me, I wonder where she's been.

The results of the acceptance through college will be posted in 5 minutes. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Tyler and I are seated apart from each other, while our fingers were constantly clicking on the refresh button.

Sweat was dripping, hands were shaking and anxiety was building. That was how nerve-wrecking the moment was. When it was 12:00pm sharp the results came through my page.

Tyler's anxious face totally changed when his eyes lit up and his straight lips turned into a huge smile. Mom was there too, the moment she glance at Tyler's results, her face grew wider as she hugged him in bliss.

My eyes wandered screen, but to my dismay the words 'I am sorry to inform you,' was the first thing my eyes laid on. I was disappointed, but thats not going to stop me from my future.

I turned my head as I looked at the both of them and flashed a crooked smile. I shut my computer screen and went up to my room.

"I'm sorry," His voice was heard after a light knock on the door.

"It's fine, I think I set my expectations too high," I shrugged.

"Anyways, your college accepted me into their pre-med classes. I guess we could carpool together and still live in the same roof together," I added.

"Since when? You didn't told me you were applying to my college?" He raised his brows in curiosity.

"They offered me a letter and said that I don't have to apply for their pre-med classes because they want me in," I declared.

"That's fantastic!" He balled his fist towards his chest as he danced his way out.


Today was the day of orientation, booths were placed everywhere around us. Tyler and I were exploring the various booths that was stationed near the school entrance.

There were a lot of clubs to join but I wasn't into any of it. Tyler on the other hand was looking around till a guy from a booth started to recommend him into joining theirs. I didn't want to stand there and stay stagnant by the side so I just left wandering around.

My legs couldn't stand anymore, I lurched my feet towards a bench and sat on it.

"Hey sexy," a seductive voice led my head up away from my phone.

"Um hey?" I voiced as I scanned his figure from head to toe.

"Aside from being sexy, what are you doing?" He said as he winked his eyes and bit his lips.

I snorted. "I'm here for the orientation along side my brother, he's exploring those booths over there," I pointed.

"Then I guess you shouldn't be alone especially since you're a girl, wanna join me?" He offered. Before I could even say 'no' a random voice appeared.

"Eff off Jamie, you sound like a creep. Are you that desperate, move along no one wants to be with you," she stammered.

"Sorry about my cousin, he can't seem to keep his pants on,"

"It's okay," I chuckled.

"I'm Roxy Williams," she raised her hand.

"Shanae Rae Watson," I replied as I shook her hand.

"Cool, what classes are you taking?" She query.


"Same here!" She said.

"I guess we will be seeing each other often," She added.

I replied with a shy nod. Aside from her bomb-ass features, she looks more like a sister, she's very protective, head-strong and honest. I would love to make friends with her. She must have a lot of friends in high-school or probably the cool one.

"Jamie! Give me back my sandwich! Hey Umm I got to go, see you in class next year," she waved off as she ran to Neverland.


After spending the whole evening with Tyler at our new college, I literally had to beg him to leave. He was there like a little child who didn't want to leave Disneyland. We also had time to eat McDonalds at a mall nearby before heading home. 

As soon as we got home, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. The minute I was done, I entered the kitchen to get something warm to drink. I felt like drinking warm milk so I decided to heat up the water before pouring it into the mixture. After what felt like forever, I was able to pour the hot water into my cup safely but as soon as I grabbed a hold of it my hand couldn't withstand the heat and the cup slipped through my hands and fell to the ground. 

I shrieked as the hot water splashed everywhere on the kitchen floor and when I was about to cleaned up the broken pieces off my feet, I heard a familiar voice rang through my ears. I didn't have to look at the person in-front of me, to know that it was Joey. I darted my feet towards her and pulled her closer to me. At that point of time, I was embracing her in my arms but I was getting woozy by the second. Then I felt a stinging pain on my foot and I unknowingly collapsed in her arms.

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