11:( Is That It?

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"Hey I love to stay and cuddle with you all day, but I have to leave. My sister has been spamming me with threatening messages from  me to come back home,"

"Haha, well it was fun having you here,"

"Thank you for picking me up last night, there wasn't anyone that I could reach," I said as we both reached on her front porch.

"Yeah it was fine, you can call me anytime," She winked.

"Thanks again," I said and pecked her cheek and waved goodbye.


When I open the door it made a loud creaking voice, I guess God wasn't on my side right now. I quietly sneaked inside hoping that she wouldn't notice me. She was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

"Don't you dare try to tiptoe your way upstairs cause I know you're there," She raised her voice.

I huffed out a sigh as I stomped my way to the living room meeting my eyes with hers.

"Where were you?" Warrent asked, putting down her phone.

"What now? Are you interrogating me?," I rolled my eyes.

"You could have informed me. Did you know how worried I was, please text me next time. It was a matter of seconds till I phone the police," she said.

"You've never cared about me, what gives?" I questioned.

"Why? Should there be a reason for me to care for my sister?"

"Well is there?"

"No reason. What I remember was mom telling me to take care of you. I wonder where is she now," I flinched at the word mom.

"Okay. I'm going to go now," I stood up and walk back upstairs.

Next Morning.

What a dreadful morning, I was worn out and I was feeling unwell, hoping that today will be a short day.

"Shanae wake up or you...wi-" she stopped mid-sentence.

"Or what," I groan.

"What??" I said out of curiosity.

"Dude you look sick 'af', you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah shut up," I then sat at the edge of my bed, feeling the throbbing headache that was pounding on my head. Without further ado, I stood up and changed into jeans and wore a hoodie.

After getting ready I went down to the kitchen. There were pancakes, eggs and bacon. I only ate half of the meal as I felt sick in the stomach. My sister offered me a ride and without hesitating any longer, I quickly went in the car since I'm forever not up for detention.

When we reached near the entrance of my school, I darted my way out of the car and went to the nearest bin and puke all of the breakfast that I had this morning. I continued my way to my locker but still could feel the throbbing pain in my head and the stinging feeling in my throat. I was about to drop on my knees when a pair of hands grab a hold of my shoulders.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked

"Yea, just a little queasy that's all," I said but then I saw Tyler approaching me. I quickly brisk walk to class just to avoid him.

Throughout the whole lesson I kept my head down, I couldn't process a thing. I tried my best to give the fullest attention but all I could think of was resting on my bed in the comfort of my home. Bell soon rang and everyone was eager to pass through the door to get their lunch, but instead, I was limping my way out. I felt awful than before but what made it worse was seeing Tyler waiting at the foot of my locker.

"Shanae!" he shouted.

"Can we please not do this now," I half whispered as I steadied myself up facing him.

"What's going to happen between us? You didn't reply my calls nor my texts!" he half-shouted.

"I can't do this Ty, it's too much for me," I looked him in the eye.

"Are you breaking up with me?" he asked.

"What do you think? We are siblings for heaven's sake," I muttered.

"We are step-siblings, we are not blood-related. We still can be together!" he stated.

"No Tyler, Just no!" I rubbed my forehead trying my best to get rid of the headache.

"Then why Shan?" he questioned.

"I just don't want to have anything with you, especially your mother!" I said.

"Is that it?" he asked disbelief.

"Yes, that is it! Your mom left me and she probably made a mistake out of me, so if you could do me a favour and leave me alone that would be great!" I pushed him away.

"Shan wait!"

I tried to move away from him, but that's when the hallways started to spin and my vision multiplied into two, my ears were ringing but I couldn't hear anything. My legs betrayed me as I fell to the ground and that's when darkness took over me.

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