10:( The Ones She Left Behind.

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Tyler's POV

I was confused. 

What had just happened? 

I was busy cleaning up the broken glasses and the next thing I knew was Shan crying and screaming at my mum. What the hell did I just missed?

"Mum, what happened?" I consoled her.

"I'm sorry Ty, I should have told you," she said. I wiped off the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying? What is it that you were supposed to tell me?" I asked.

"Before I had you, I gave birth to two beautiful daughters. One was named Warrent and the other was Shanae," 

"What I don't understand, what are you talking about?" 

"My first marriage was an arranged marriage, I didn't love him not one bit. But then one night he took advantage of me and that resulted in me carrying my first baby girl Warrent. After a few years I met your father, he fooled me into loving him. I was so careless because the minute Shanae's Dad found out he made me pregnant again, telling me that it was for the best. I knew I couldn't stick with her father anymore so I left, leaving my two daughters behind and I missed them every single day. After a few months I was staying with your father and that was when I was carrying you," she said bursting into tears once again.No this isn't real, the girl that I love romantically is my step-sister. How is this actually happening in real life? All those movies that portray this kind of stories are actually happening to me.

"What, oh my gosh. How could you be so stupid, mom?" 

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me," She pleaded.

"You have to apologise to them, the ones you left behind," I demanded.

Shanae's POV.

We were both watching Tv, sitting together on the same couch. One thing led to another and at the moment I was resting my head on Joey's shoulder. I couldn't help but feel a little spark between us, I hope she feels it too. I don't know what I feel about Tyler right now. He's the second last thing on my mind and I intend for it to stay that way. 

While we were watching tv together, I felt a buzzing device on my seat. I untangled myself away from Joey and fished out my phone from my back pocket. What was screening on my phone was a message from Warrent asking me to come back home. I pressed the lock screen button on my phone looking a little upset so without wasting any second I rushed over to Joey's arm hugging her to her side again.

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