19:) Kiss & Tell.

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"Hey Shan," Joey said while pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, how's your cut? Is it better now?" I asked.

"Yep it's healing except now I have a scar on my eyebrow," She frowned.

"I bet it looks hot," I lusted.

"Pfft, It must be really sunny out here for you to wear your shades," She commented sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrugged.

"Come on take them shades off," She said while trying to pull the shades off. 

"Stop it, Okay alright. I will take them off geez," 

Once I took them off, I looked away from her. She then stared at my face for the longest time and I'm pretty sure she was checking out my right eye. She held my chin up high and inspected further.

"What happened?" she asks worriedly.

"I'm not sure myself, I did nothing wrong," my voice quivered.

What happened a few days ago was just a matter of time. I didn't think that it would happen again. I just thought she has changed for the better.

Joey went downstairs and passed me a drink. She consoled me as she told me to take a sip.

"It- it was," I can't bring my mouth to even mention about the incident, the thought of it just scares me.

"It was Warrent, she just slip back into her old habits I know it was an accident, she wasn't in the right state of mind. She's was too drunk to think,"

"Does she know about this?" Joey asked. I shook my head.

"Here just sit down I'll get the ice pack," she said running out of the room.

Instead of sitting down like I was instructed to do. I wandered around her house and observe the walls that surrounded me. It feels lonely and seemingly quiet, the pictures on the wall only showed either her, Tyler's mom or Tyler himself. No other pictures of her other relatives.

"What are you doing, come here and take a sit," she said pulling me down towards the couch.

She slowly applied pressure on my bruised eye with an ice pack that was wrapped in a cloth. She held my jaw for a steady grip so that she could position the ice pack correctly. I can't help but notice how caring she is and how thoughtful her actions and words were. It feels comforting knowing that someone cares about you, she makes me feel loved after a very long time.

"Earth to Shanae?" she dragged her words.


"What are you thinking about?"


I couldn't help myself any longer, because the next thing I knew that my lips were against hers. It wasn't a steamy make out, more like a passionate kiss that was shared between two lips.

"Wow," she pulled apart making a space for the both of us to breathe.

"Wow, as in this kiss was great or Wow, that was disgusting?" I asked.

"Wow that kiss was amazing!" she said pulling me back again for another.

"Oww!" I shrieked.

"Oh sorry I forgot about your bruise, I guess I was too excited," she said while applying pressure once again on my eye.

"It's fine if anyone is sorry it should be me,"

Joey raised one of her eyebrows in curiosity as she pulled her hand away from my cheek.

"I have to confess something, Last time when you were at my house. I kissed you while you were asleep," I confessed.

"That made a lot of sense!" She justified as she laughed it off.

"What is?"

"The dream that I had when I kissed you,"

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