1:) First Day

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Forcefully pulling myself out of my bed was the hardest thing to do at the start of the day. School was the last thing on my mind and will always be. Wasting half of my day in school is literally a living hell. The only thing I'm looking forward is to meet Sarah.

I'm Shanae but people usually call me Shan for short. I wouldn't classify myself as short nor tall, would say i'm pretty average all around. My hair curls just below my chest area as I maintained the bangs on my forehead.

I stood up and made my way towards the bathroom like every other day before heading to school. I took a quick shower and picked a cute outfit for school. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast laying on a plate at the side of the kitchen counter. I can't remember the last time I ate a proper meal at home. My house is huge, filled with unnecessary furniture that was rarely touched. Never in my life have I loved staying at home, every day my sister will bring her group of drunken friends back home and they would just ruin my night.

I walked out of my house by the back door and hop onto my bicycle. My family is wealthy enough to buy me a car but I rather just cycle, saves money and the environment. It took me about fifteen to twenty minutes to reach the gates of hell. I proceeded to hook my bicycle on the rack that was stationed at the side of the school gates and I continued to walk, entering the four walls of hell.

I walked in between lockers before meeting with mine, I twist the combination on the lock before getting the books that I need. As soon as I was done, I made my way to my classroom.

Settling down, I took a seat at the back of the class right near a window and placed my bag right beside my chair. I took out all the materials that I would need and quietly waited for Sarah's arrival. In a few short minutes, the class will soon begin but Sarah is yet to be seen. I assumed that she's gonna be late as she's usually tardy but I would've never thought that she was going to be late on the first day.

After several minutes of waiting, it looks like Sarah did not make it after all. My homeroom teacher entered fifteen minutes later with a male student, which presumably might be the new kid whom everyone was whispering about. Talking about punctuality, he's not one of them. Class was boring without Sarah, so I quickly dose off into thin air.

After an hour of day-dreaming, the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my things and fled out from the classroom. I strolled to my locker but made a stop when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

I spun around, looking at the source that had stopped me standing on my feet. It was the new student, he was around 6 feet tall with straight brown hair resting right above a pair of amber eyes. He was built with slight obvious muscles and was wearing a white sweater with a pair of scuffed up jeans.

"Hey," He smiled as he awkwardly waved at me.

"Hi," I answered.

"I couldn't help but notice you just now, I was wondering if we could be friends and maybe I could get your number...if it's okay?" he said.

"Oh okay, that was fast," I answered, mumbling the last sentence under my breath.

Usually, I wouldn't give my numbers to strangers, but he looked charming and kinda cute so I'm going to let this slip. I grabbed a pen and searched for a paper, but to no luck, I couldn't find any. The bell soon rang and I wasn't up for detention on the first day so I quickly wrote my number on his arm and waved him goodbye.

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