27:) Questions.

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I did it. It's over. What have I done. Was it a mistake? Am I stupid?


The deafening sound of music and the voices of people jibber jabbering makes the place even more boisterous. Thoughts were running through my mind and i'm questioning everything since. I was out of my mind, I don't feel belong, I feel as shitty as ever. I didn't even know where I was looking at until they were met with a pair of emerald coloured eyes.

"Are you okay?" She mouthed out all of the words carefully so I could catch what she was saying.

After those words flew out of her mouth, the tears that was threatening to spill glide down my cheeks and onto the ground. She then pulled me into a hug as I bawled my eyes out.

All it takes for me to cry were those 3 simple words. I was weeping on her shoulder as she rubbed circles with her palm on my back.

After running out of tears to shed, I pulled my body away from her.

"Sorry, you asked me to hang out with you and yet we're sitting outside of the most coolest arcade while I'm weeping on your shoulder" I wiped the remaining tears off my cheek.

"It's fine, I couldn't help but heard your conversation earlier. I know it hurts, and I'm here for you to find a will and a way to find the joy in you," she gave a sly smile.

"Cheeky," I giggled.

"So wanna play the arcade?!" She asked excitedly. But at that point of time I was whacked from all of the crying and thinking. All I want to do was to jump on my bed and pull the comforter over my body.

"What a stupid question, lets drive you back," she gave the widest smile and grabbed my hand.

"Can we go back to yours?" I begged.

"How about a 5 star hotel?" She pulled out a handful of cash.

We then went to a luxurious hotel, she wasn't kidding when she mention about the 5 star hotel. We got into a regular room but it was enormous. It was perfect! I couldn't scan any further because once I stepped into the room I bolted my way and jump onto the bed. In a flash my eyes betrayed my mind and went into deep sleep.

My mind was pitched black but I could still sense my surroundings. The muffled sound of the shoes or the sound of the water running through the faucet.

Soon after, I could feel Reagan's weight on the bed. The next thing I felt was my clothes beginning to strip away from me. I couldn't move, I felt very vulnerable. It felt like I was in a coma. She was unbuttoning everything loose. I was beyond frightened, what if she raped me? What will happen to me if she's done? Will she take a pic of me naked? Questions again. Running through my mind like a never-ending loop.

After all of my clothes were undone, she only left my bra and my underwear on. She started to trace down my chest and right through my belly button and at this point of time I wish I could pry my eyes open and wake up and get out, but my body was physically, mentally and emotionally tired.

She then pulled the comforter over my body as she cuddle up around me.

"Goodnight Shanae, I hope you forget every bad memory that has been installed in your mind. See one more dream today, who knows there may be no tomorrow," She uttered as she peck my cheek and spoon me with her almost naked body.

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