28:) From Love.

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When I woke up the next morning my eyes were sore from last night. I had to find my way to the bathroom and rinse my eyes before I expose them to the real and cruel world.

After the quick trip to the bathroom, I finally had the chance to observe the four walls that surrounded me. The room looked amazing, it was enormous and luxurious. I can't describe how perfect it was. But the odd thing was that Reagan was nowhere to be found.

I explored the different sections of the room until i'm met with a stunning figure who was blowing a series of smoke on the balcony. The only fabric that was covering her body was the only layer that was resting on her hips. The rest were exposed to the air and the public.

I quickly covered her exposed areas by placing a robe on her shoulder from the back and took the cigarette between her fingers and flicked it down from the balcony.

"Do you have a death wish?" I commented sarcastically.

"I think it's impossible," 

"So about yesterday, thanks," I thanked.

"No problem," she gave a small smile.

"Is there something wrong?" I query.


"Pardon?" I asked again.

"All my life i've been running away from love and now when my life is running away from me, i've stumbled upon love," She took a deep breath.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing," She sighed and shrugged her shoulders while walking away. Before she could even enter the room, I grabbed her hand and spun her around.

"What does that mean?" I voiced out, sternly this time.

"This," She cupped my cheeks as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. She intertwined  her tongue with mine but once she realise I wasn't responding, she pulled her mouth away.

"Sorry," she let go of my cheeks and place her hands back to where it belonged.

Instead of letting her walk away, I grabbed her hand once again and pulled her body towards mine and this time I was the one who made the first move.

The kiss felt more sincere, she was such a passionate kisser. But there was more to that kiss. I thought kisses were suppose to make you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach but why did it felt so different. A tear slipped from her eyes and it felt like she was hiding something from me.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and hugged her real tight. The next thing I knew, she was weeping all over my shoulder. I didn't know what I did wrong. Was it because of the kiss that we shared? or did I spark a valuable memory from her past. I tried to calm her down as much as possible and when she did, she passed out on the bed and slept peacefully beside me.

A loud thud shook me up, I look at the night stand and it was 2:30 in the afternoon. It means that i've slept for about an hour or so. Reagan was nowhere to be found around me. I pulled my legs away from the bed and stood up, I walked a couple of steps and the next thing I saw was Reagan's back lying on the floor.

Her face was pale, her lips were blue-ish grey. She wasn't responding to my voice. I was freaking out so badly that my hands were starting to shake. Her eyes started to twitch, which was a good sign. She then grab a hold of my hand and barely whispered out the words 'water'.

I dashed across the room and grabbed a bottled of water from the mini bar. I twist the cap off as I slowly poured it into her mouth, with all my strength I carried her onto the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" I added.

She then shook her head and pointed towards the table that was sitting directly opposite from the bed. There was a bottle of capsules sitting on top of the table. I went to grabbed it and poured out two capsules from the bottle just like what it states on the label. She swallowed both of the capsules as I passed her a bottled of water.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing's wrong, just a little headache. It's fine," She said grazing my cheek with the palm of her hand.

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