3:) Yes?

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Finally, the day I had anticipated has finally arrived. It was Saturday in the afternoon and I was picking a cute dress for myself, I didn't want to seem desperate or look like I'm not putting in any effort on my attire for this date.

Tyler is coming at 8 and it was 6 in the evening right now. I sent different pictures of my outfit for Sarah's opinion before deciding to wear a simple floral shift dress. I applied mascara, filled my eyebrows and drew a sharp eyeliner over my eyelids before heading downstairs. By then it was already 7:55 pm. 

Tyler was just right outside my house, grinning from ear to ear. He took my hand and led me to his car and open the car door for me and in that instance, we drove away from my house. He brought me to a semi-fancy restaurant, I tried to pay for the dinner but he insisted on paying. It was sweet of him to do that. After dinner, he took me to a park that was filled with bright lights. We were walking around embracing the view silently beside each other until he slid his right hand gracefully holding mine and shortly after we were inseparable with our hands tangled with each other. We both stopped to get each of us ice cream and a cool fact we learnt about each other is that we are both allergic to peanuts. In addition to it, his mother was also allergic to peanuts, what a coincidence. He also found out that I'm a left-hander just like his mother. He was shocked to learn how his mother and I are so much alike.

At the end of the day, the date was fantastic. I learnt a few facts about Tyler and I would like to get to know him even better. Tyler drove me back and brought me back to my front door. It was at that moment when I realised that he wanted to kiss me. But before he could even strike a move, I turned my face to one side and the kiss was directed to my cheek instead of my lips. He giggled and said goodbye to me, I went in and found my sister's lazy ass laying on the living room couch. I skipped my way upstairs and change to my PJs and went to sleep.


I flutter my eyes open and the first thing I saw was my window. The sky was transcending into a lighter colour. When I realise the sun was rising, I sprung out of my bed and let out a big yawn and a full stretch. I checked the clock on my nightstand and my eyes were bulging when I realised I was 15 minutes away from getting a detention. I quickly ran and change into my clothes and rode my bike to school. I was huffing and puffing as I hooked my bike on the usual rack beside the school doors.

I was pacing myself as I walk twice as fast to class. As I walked in between lockers, I saw that Tyler was leaning on my locker as usual. He ran to me with the cutest smile and carried my bag for me. He has been doing this every morning even if it's 2 minutes before class begins. We've been on 4 different types of dates and I've been happy for days now. He brings out the joy in me. 

After class, I was busy packing my stuff went Tyler grabbed my hand and ran to the gym.

"SURPRISE!" Sarah shouted and a few of Tyler's friends.

"Wow," I said in shock and awe. The gym looks completely different it was filled with balloons and decoration.

"Yeah I know," he said as he scanned his eyes around the gym just to take a second look.

"Wait...who's birthday is it again am I forgetting something," I questioned.

"Shanae it's not anyone's birthday but Shanae Rae Watson would you make me the happiest guy in this school and be my girlfriend?" he asked taking my hand with a big smile on his face.

The crowd chanted "YES" repeatedly.

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