7:) I Wish

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While I was still hugging Sarah I heard a lot of people screaming and shouting in the school.  

*BANG* and that's when reality took over me and all I felt was soaking blood on my body.

At first, I thought I was the one that was shot but then, Sarah was unresponsive as he arms were hanging loose and she put all her body weight on me.

"Sarah......Sarah?? Can you hear me, Sarah!!!" We both dropped down to our knees. I took a quick glance at her and not only was she not responding but her eyes were shut. Her shirt was sticky and was soaked with blood. I was applying pressure to the wound on her back to stop the bleeding but blood was gushing out everywhere.

"Sarah look at me breathe.....breathe. I'm sorry Sarah I'm...so so sorry," I mourned.

I was losing my Best Friend and I cannot believe it was going to end this way. I was convincing myself that this was all a dream and this was not happening but who am I kidding.

Sarah then slowly opened her eyes and lift her hand to my cheek and wipe my tears away.

"Hey, don't cry I'm still here for now," she barely whispered it out.

"No Sarah, you can't leave me. Don't say that!" I held her hand.

"Shanae you have been a great best friend, thank you. Tell my mom I'm sorry and that I love her so much," she whispered with a sly smile and after a few seconds, her hands were slipping away from mine.

"No Sarah don't leave me please I'm begging you wake up!" 

As soon as she whispered her last breath, a wail of sirens was heading towards the school.

2 weeks later...

Every day now since the shooting I feel like my life is over, without Sarah I couldn't bring myself to do anything productive. No one understood me like Sarah do. I have been sitting in my room for 2 weeks now, I forgot when was the last time I cleaned myself up or had a proper meal. My phone has been buzzing for days now. People that I barely know are sending words of encouragement. Tyler and Joey visited but I did not once leave my room so they had to leave one way or another. I didn't care about all those gifts or letters because not even a hundred or a billion of those can bring Sarah back to life.

"Shanae you have to eat something, if you don't you are going to get sick!" Warrent came in and gave me a bowl of what seems to be porridge, she was the only one who has keys to my room.

I didn't say anything and hug my knees as tears still streaming down my cheeks, Warrent came to me and hug me. It took me awhile for me to return the hug but eventually, I did.

"I know you miss your best friend a lot and she means the world to you but you can't be like this. Not eating, not going to school, and not talking to anyone. If Sarah was here I wouldn't think she would want you to be like this," She was right, eventually, I have to move on. I can't stick in the same position all day. Sarah might not have the life she has always dreamt of. But I can make mine happen. I quickly took the bowl of porridge and gobble it down.

"Thanks" I said wiping of my tears.

"Huh?" She questioned

"Thanks for being there for me, thanks for telling me to continue on my life without Sarah and thanks for that disgusting bowl of porridge you made for me," I said.

"You still ate all of it anyway, so do you wanna go shopping and makeover?" she asks cheerfully

"Sure but do you have money?"

"Nope, but you do. Just ask it from dad he will definitely give it to you" she smirks

"Oh yeah!" I say and went to text my father for a thousand this day is gonna be fun but I wish Sarah was here...

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