13:) How?

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Shan's POV

I woke up with a huge headache, it was killing me. I stood up from my bed and heard voices downstairs.

"Finally 'Sleeping Beauty' has woken up from her bed. How are you feeling your majesty?" My sister asked while bowing to me.

"Ha.ha.ha funny, I'm a lot better but this huge headache is killing me, could you pass me some painkillers?" I said.

"Here you go," she passed a tablet to me.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"9 hours,"

"Oh..and Joey pass by, she told me to give you those" She pointed out

Joey actually send me a balloon and a teddy bear that says 'Get well soon!'. How cute of her.

*Knock Knock*

I stood up to get the door when Warrent told me that she will get it instead, so I sat back down on the couch and continued watching the tv.

"Hey Shan I miss you, are you okay?" I sighed knowing it was Tyler at the door.

"GREAT!" I said sarcastically

"I still love you, Shan," he said.

"And I'm Sorry, I'm sure mom did not mean to leave you, she told me the whole story and she regretted leaving you and Warrent behind," I quickly stop Tyler from speaking more, Now Warrent is looking at Tyler weirdly cause now I'm doomed.

"What are you talking about Tyler?" my sister asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"You...haven't told her yet? Oh, I'm sorry it's not my place to tell you what happened, I'm just gonna let you two discuss I'll just leave. Anyways bye Shan and please text me back," He waved off and gave the 'sorry' look.

"Okay, that was weird what is he talking about? Anyways crazy douche and don't tell me he is still your boyfriend?" She asked repulsively.

"Oh god no. We broke up,"

"Warrent...I met mom," I said as I squinted my eyes not wanting to look at her reaction.

"Who again?" She asked.

"Our biological mother?" I looked her in the eyes as I say it.

"Shut up," she slapped my back.

I just stopped and stared.

"Are you serious? How?!" She asked in disbelief.

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