5:) Jinx

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?? Pov

Tyler asked me to meet him at a cafe nearby my hotel. Honestly, I'm delighted to be able to move here in the same town where his living in. It was sad to see him leave a few months back but now that i'm moving nearer to where he lives it's such a relief. Don't get me wrong I've never like Tyler romantically, I treat him like a brother I never had. We probably have kissed before but that's just normal, he was the one who made me realise that I was gay or a lesbian. Friendzone? hmm maybe. I was busy browsing through my phone when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.


"TYLER!" I shouted as I threw myself and hugged my best friend. I could sense that I've attracted more attention than I have.


I unwrapped my arms away from Tyler's body as I stood there with curiosity running through my mind. I couldn't pry my eyes away from this gorgeous looking girl with a captivating smile. I had to knock myself mentally to pull my eyes away from her.

"Oh yeah, I would like you to meet Shanae, my Girlfriend," 

As soon as I heard that, my smile dropped instantly. It felt like my hopes and dreams were crushed just as he said those words.

"Hi," she stretches her hand out, I shook her hand as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I prefer hugging," I whispered.

"Alright, break it up. So anyone up for some fun?" Tyler half-exclaimed.

"Me!" both me and Shanae said.

"Jinx!" We said as we laughed at each other.

For some reason I couldn't look away from her, she was just so mesmerising. We took turn glancing at each other. In all honesty, I couldn't keep my eyes to myself. But one way or another she was Tyler's girlfriend and maybe I could fantasize her in secret.

As soon as we stepped into the theme park, we couldn't waste even a second on anything else other than those huge and extreme roller coaster rides. We rushed to get our tickets and hurriedly queue for the rides before it gets too long. It felt like I was third-wheeling the whole time. I had to sit with a random stranger for all the pair rides and stare at Shanae grasping Tyler's arm. I couldn't help but feel a pit of jealousy in my stomach.

Other than that we genuinely had a great time. We bought snacks at the various booths and played different types of games. There was one time Shanae wanted a unicorn, the identical one in 'Despicable Me'. Tyler tried to impress her with his skills but he failed miserably. So I thought it was my chance to impress her. I gave it a shot and to my luck, I was able to choose a wide range of stuffed toys from the booth. I glance to my right at where Shanae was standing. She was so adorable, she had two thumbs up with a smile plastered on her face. She made me sick in the stomach like I was about to puke my love for her. But I kept it cool and specifically chose the unicorn for her. Her eyes bulge in excitement as she hugged both me and the unicorn.

Shanae's Pov

Joey was such a great company! She was fun, lovable, cute and gorgeous too! I can't stop looking at her. I notice she would occasionally check me out plus she gave me the best gift I could ever ask for. Time flies when we're having fun and by the time we hopped off from the Ferris wheel, it was already late. We couldn't stay any longer as there was still school tomorrow. 

"That was hella fun. Don't you think?!" Joey cheered as she let a ball of cotton candy melt on her tongue. 

"I second that!" I replied as I pinched a chunk of cotton candy from Joey's as I bring it towards her mouth, but turned my hand at the last second and placed it in my mouth instead.

"Hey, that was mean!" She sulks while puckering her lips to the side. 

"Haha, aww I'm sorry. Here," I said as I pluck out another chunk of cotton candy and bring it to her mouth.

She took her time but eventually came forward and ate the candy from my fingers. She came in too far that I could feel her tongue on the tip of my fingers. I couldn't help but feel a tingly sensation running down my spine, in a good way. She then grins with a cheeky smile. At the end of the day we three parted ways, I gave Joey a hug and Tyler a kiss on the cheek before I left.

When I finally reached home I dragged my feet across the hall and forcefully climb the stairs. I went to my room and threw my bag and phone on my bed. Before limping my way to the bathroom. Feeling extremely exhausted I checked my phone for any recent notifications before putting it on the nightstand. As I was about to fall asleep, my phone lit up enlightening the whole room. I rubbed my eyes as I checked on my phone. It was a message from an unknown number. I slide the screen open as I took a look at the message.

'Heyyo! Joey here :) Thanks for the best day in a long time, goodnight!'

I was about to type something till I fell asleep.

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