24:) Not without you.

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"Joey has a complicated background, her mom died of lung cancer and her father was depressed and killed himself and when that happened she was only at the age of seven. After that, they send Joey to her grandmother since she was the only person that could take care of her. Yesterday was the anniversary of her late grandmother's death, she passed away a few years ago," He announced.

I was shocked. I couldn't process what he just told me, l felt guilty for shutting her off. She tried to reach me a few times through Skype and phone calls but I've been ignoring them since. She must have needed my support, but that didn't explain the girl in the background.

"Then why did she leave her previous hometown?" I inquired.

"She said she wanted to start a brand new life and so she came here after I left. Mom has always treated her like her own daughter," Tyler replied,

"Gosh, I feel guilty for what I've done but that doesn't erase the fact that she cheated on me," I huffed out a sigh.

"Do you remember-" Tyler was cut when mom came into the room.

"Shan don't you think is a little too late to go back home now, why don't you stay over?" She said. I took a glance at my wrist and noticed that it was already 12:20 am.

"Yeah, it's late. Is it okay if I spend the night?"

"Ofcourse darling you can sleep in the guest room," she said

"Bye Tyler sleep well, don't sext with Adelise too much" I mouthed the words 'sext' so mom wouldn't hear.

"Yeah Yeah," he said closing the door.

The world was shaking vigorously. I was with Joey, we were holding each other never letting the other person go. In a spur of a moment, the world beneath us divided into two parts, Joey was slowly slipping out of my grip. She was about to fall as we slip away from each other. Before I knew it, Joey had already fell deep within. I was terrified, it felt so real but I knew it was a dream. That's when I flicked my eyes open and saw a figure bouncing around me.

"What the fuck dude, get off," I shoved him on the floor.

"Ouch, aren't you excited? Jo is coming back!" he exclaimed.

"Just move it!" I pushed him too grumpy to acknowledge his existence.

I went to take a shower, ate my breakfast and waved them all goodbye. I glanced at my phone noticing an un-read voicemail, without checking who it was from I went to click on it.

'Hey Shan, I'm back. I thought you were coming to pick me up but that's okay. I'm here now and I can explain everything. I just missed you a lot and I love you so much, never doubt my love.'

I know I have to hear her explanation at some point. I just can't assume that she was cheating on me. As I was scrolling through my feed on Instagram, the word 'Ty' appeared on my phone and the infamous ringtone blared across the room.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Shan are you there?! You need to come right now, Joey is in the hospital she got into an accident," Tyler shouted through my phone.

"What?! Which hospital is she at right now?!" I asked as tears were forming in my eyes.

"Johnson's hospital care," As soon as I knew the answer, I bolted my way on my bike and sped off to the hospital.

Now I look like a fucking mess, tears were running down my cheeks but that wasn't my main concern. My biggest concern right now was Joey. I rushed to the hospital and went to search for Tyler. When I saw him in a room, I barged inside without any hesitations.

When I saw Joey, she was lying down on the bed. I was relief at the sight of her being conscious she only has a patch on her forehead and a broken arm. I quickly ran in and gave her a hug. Now a huge sense of guilt was on me, I felt sorry for not answering her calls and not replying to her texts, all because of my ego.

"God, I thought you were in a coma or even dying. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again," I sobbed against her shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere, not without you,"

"Joey, you alright? Thanks for saving me just now or else I would have gotten seriously injured," The voice behind me spoke. 

Never would have I ever thought of seeing her again, It was her.

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