2:) Sarah

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After school was over, I went to check up on Sarah. Her house was a few blocks away from mine so I decide to stop by before heading home. I wonder why we didn't made plans the day before to head to school together. As I stood outside of Sarah's door, I made a few knocks and was met with Sarah's Twin, Mrs Kim. I greeted her as usual and talked to her for a bit before making my way to Sarah's room. 

Sarah's house was rather cozy and is filled with so much love from her mom. Unlike my house, which was cold and quiet all the time. Sarah lives with her widowed mom, they only have each other after her father walked out on them, allegedly was caught with another woman from Vietnam. This may be one of the reasons why Sarah would always thrive for more and she would always put her academics as a priority, although she can be quite lazy sometimes.

I knew Sarah since I was a freshman in high-school. She was the first person that I met and eventually, we became best of friends. She has an average looking body and a thick-framed glasses that hangs on her nose all day. She also has brown luscious hair that swings over her shoulders. She's was blessed with a beautiful set of almond eyes with a lighter shade of brown that sits right above her long nose. Her beauty has been blessed upon her as she is mixed between two ethnicities. She might seem nerdy from time to time, but when we are outside of school she appears different from her everyday look. She would wear contact lense and apply a winged-eyeliner and that would turn her into a stunning model.

I took a peeked in her room to find that she's still lying down on her bed with her mouth-ajar in la-la land. I quietly sneak into her room and plop on her bed, I shook her many times before she finally realised. 

"Hiiiiii" I said with a sly smile.

She adjusted herself on the bed as she leans on the headboard.

"Hey," she croaked.

"How dare you left me all alone in school!" I complained.

"Oh sorry I was busy, couldn't even lift a finger to text you, I was in too much pain!" she groaned in exaggeration.

"Right, right, too busy snoring your way off," I pushed her playfully.

We both laughed and bickered around. Soon later, Sarah's Mom came into the room and gave her a bowl of porridge so that she can consume her medication after. My phone then buzzed out of the blue, I wasn't expecting any text messages so I took out my phone and checked it out.

"Hey I'm the new guy that you met earlier, you gave me your number remember? Hope it's the right one. Anyways I was busy asking you out that I forget to introduce myself. Hi I'm Tyler Dest, Nice to meet you :) <3,"

I quickly gave him a short reply and couldn't help but smile at my phone thinking about the short encounter earlier.

"Damn, I've never seen you smile at your phone before, Who is it?" she grinned as she tried to look at my phone.

"Just some new guy from first period, he asked for my number after we exchanged a few sentences," I stated.

"So I guess you weren't all alone at school today," She grinned.

"Shut up," I replied

I was thinking of what I should say next to Tyler until Sarah snatched my phone away, I tried to grab it out from her hands but she pushed me away, for someone who's sick, she is sure as hell stronger than I'll ever be. Eventually I gave up and let her scroll through my phone It isn't the first time she's doing this.

"Whoa that's flirting," she smirked.

"God no, he was just being friendly," I shook it off.

"Then how do you explain the 'heart' that he sent you," she raised her eyebrows. She threw my phone on my lap.

I took a look at the text that was sent a few minutes ago. Then I looked at Sarah and lift both of my shoulders. Ignorance is bliss, I say. To expect disappointment so we wouldn't be left disappointed.  Sarah wanted to know more about him so I told her what he looked liked and how he asked me.

"Chill, we just met and we barely know each other," As I stood leaving her for the bathroom.

I let whatever loose and when I came back into the room I saw Sarah holding my phone flashing the conversation to me and said.

"I guess you'll get to know him better on Saturday," she said with a grin plastered on her face.

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