29:) Incurable Disease.

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Reagan has recovered from that time we were in the hotel, but she often looked pale and exhausted. There are times where she perspires at night even though the AC is on. She would also often complain about the pain in her stomach.

I'm always by her side. This relationship that we share is so much different than all my previous ones. She always knew what to say and what to do when i'm not in my best mood.

Joey and I are not talking anymore. As much as I miss her, we are just not at the same page to fall in love again. Gina have been climbing up her sleeves as I've seen. Is she trying to make me jealous? If she is, she's failing miserably.

Sometimes I sleep at Reagan's house because no one is there to monitor her. Her parents died a while back and left a huge sum of money for her. Her siblings are also away across the country with their friends or love ones. Basically no one is here right now except for me.

Today we decided to have a movie-marathon in her mini-theatre. I was browsing through the movies list while Reagan was preparing us snacks. After a long period of scrolling, I walked out to the kitchen to ask for her opinion.

"Reagan, what have you been doing for so long. What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked, but instead I was met with a passed out Reagan, again.


"Reagan wake up?!!" I shook her.

"Reagan!!! Wake up!!" I shook her forcefully but yet she didn't move a single inch.

I quickly grab my phone and dialled the hospital number. They say they were coming in a few minutes. I checked her pulse and she was still breathing, I quickly grabbed my stuff and stayed through out till the paramedics arrived.

When we arrived at the hospital, Reagan was brought into the ER immediately. Through the ER door, I couldn't catch a sight of anything, just that it was in disarray.

I was waiting silently my whole body, shivering at the coldness and sweating from the anxiety. The nurse then brought me into a room, she told me that a doctor would be talking to me in a short while.

"Good Afternoon Ma'am, I'm Doctor Jackson. May I ask what's your relationship with the patient?" he asked.

"I am her partner," I claimed.

"Okay...Does she have any parents or siblings that we can contact?"

"No she's alone, that's why i'm here with her,"

"You seem a little young and clueless about all of this, do you know that she is suffering from a condition?" he asked me.

"Suffering from a condition? Do you mean that she's sick?" My heartbeat picked up twice the pace as tears of sweat was streaming down my forehead.

"I've contacted Reagan's personal doctor she will explain to you, so be rest assure," he assured me.

I was brought into another room where I was met with not a male doctor but a female one. She has red auburn hair that flows down her shoulders and a pair of eyes that you could fall into.

"The infamous girl from Reagan's life, nice to finally meet you. I'm Doctor Vasquez," she said.

"What's going on?!,"

"Well Shanae, I'm very sorry. It's very heartbreaking to see her fall apart i'm glad that you are here at her very last moments. Neither of her medication are going to help nor the therapy. She need all the support right now," she said, full of concerned.

"I'm still confused about all of these. What are you trying to say?"

"Haven't she told you? She is suffering from cancer," She uttered.

"She has (CLL) or as known as Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia," she added.

"What? Is it something bad?"

"Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells," she said.

"It's very unfortunate for Reagan to be diagnosed with CLL, as it only occurs on elderly. Just three weeks ago we found out that it's incurable for her," she said apologetically.

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