Chapter 3 -Three of Rings

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My body stills

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My body stills.

It feels as though a bucket of ice water has been dumped on my head. My muscles stiffen as I stand staring amidst a sea of dancing bodies.

The sea of people moves, and when they part again, he is gone.

"You okay?" Preston asks, stepping around me to look at my face while I stare at where the stranger was just a few heartbeats ago.

The music pounds against my eardrums while bodies surround us. Hot sweating bodies, everywhere. It feels as though they are closing in and I can't breathe.

I wordlessly shake my head no and begin moving from the dance floor to the bar. I need to get away from all the people, desperate for space. As I weave between the intoxicated dancers, my attention keeps pulling to the side where he had been. The uncomfortable feeling of those eyes watching me, encasing me in a strange dread. Fear snakes around me.

I slam into a man on the edge of the dance floor.

"Sorry!" I call out after realizing that my heart had not actually stopped in my chest at the sudden impact.

The man growls at me. His lip-curling and everything.


I am tugged to the side before having a chance to respond to the rabid dog man. Preston's strong fingers wrap around my wrist as he leads me away from everyone and towards the bar.  Not letting go, he maneuvers me till I stand with the counter to my back and Preston towering before me, demanding my attention.

"What's going on?" He asks, hand still holding my wrist as if I am the rabid one who might run away if not leashed.

"I thought I saw..." my words falter. What? a stranger? The entire club is filled with strangers. My attention drifts to what little I could see around Preston's strong build. He moves, forcing my attention back to him. "I need to leave." The words are a mumble.

A delicate wrinkle forms between his brows as he stares at me. It is as though he is trying to stare into my soul in order to uncover the thoughts rummaging through my brain. I am not sure what he sees but whatever it is, he glances over his shoulder briefly in thought.

"I'll walk you home," he finally states, attention settling back on me.

"I need to say bye to Ally."

Without responding, Preston slips a hand under my arm and begins leading me to her. It is as though the sea of moving bodies parts for him, which is ridiculous. What power, to cut through the raging hormones and intoxication so easily.

I numbly go where he takes me, constantly turning to search for the face of the stranger.

"Emma is not feeling well, I'm going to make sure she gets home okay," Preston yells over the music to Ally.

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