Chapter 24 - Eight of Wands

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We pull into the lot of Misty's diner. Several cars fill a fourth of the parking spaces. Scanning over the vehicles already there, my stomach clenches when I see the old beat-up Ford truck that feels like a piece of home I didn't even know I missed.

"Drew is in there," I say when the engine purrs as Alaric shifts the car into park. "I am going in there, alone."

"You think that's a good idea?" The wolf shifter's gaze moves over our surroundings before pinning me.

"It will be better this way. Drew is protective and wary of those he doesn't know. I don't know what he will do if I walk in there with a crew of strangers. Even Phiona agreed to this." I glance at my phone, making sure she didn't text me anything new.

"You have five minutes. If you aren't out by then, I'll be coming in," Alaric states.

Ally giggles from the back seat where she shares the space with a sleeping Charlie and Luna. "Protective Wolfie. Why is that so hot?"

I groan, turning to view her. "Do not encourage him."

Ally ignores me. "Alaric, you got any brothers?"

"Dear god. I am going." I get out of the car without looking at the wolf sitting in the driver's seat.

My steps are quick, filled with nerves. I don't even give myself a chance to think before grabbing the handle and opening the door to the diner.

Two steps in, I freeze, meeting with familiar amber eyes. Drew looks exactly the same as when I had left. Muscles cover his thick frame, brown hair cut short, observant, and steady gaze. His fingers are wrapped around a shotgun. It looks as though I interrupted his march out of the Diner. He was probably leaving to figure out what the hell was going on, why suddenly the parking lot filled up with outsiders.

The door closes behind me. It is the only thing that moves because Drew and I remain frozen, suspended in that moment that stretches between us. His attention breaks contact with my eyes and drifts over my body down to my feet before returning. Finding no sign of distress, his gaze moves briefly to the parking lot that remains deathly still at my back. He gently lowers the shotgun, leaning it against the counter.

When he takes a single step in my direction, whatever spell had me frozen breaks and I lunge myself into his arms. Safe and strong hands circle around me, holding me close.

"I've missed you," he says lowly and I nearly break down as his voice vibrates through his chest.

He is my shelter from the storm. My protector. I did not know how much I needed him until this moment. The man who raised me, a parent, filling all the roles as best he could.

"I've missed you too," I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut, hoping the pressure keeps the tears from surfacing.

"Who are these people, Emma?" He asks, his arms loosening, attention drifting from me.

I steal myself, securing everything inside of me so that my face looks unbothered. I don't know why I am trying to be so strong in front of him. He has always been there for me, never judging me for feeling a certain way. Perhaps I want him to think that I have my shit together more than I actually do? The last thing I want is to bring him an ounce of disappointment.

Taking a step back, I glance over my shoulder at the parking lot outside. "It's the people I have talked to you about on the phone," I say, glancing around the diner. Thankfully, it's not terribly full. "Where is Misty?"

"She is out back accepting a shipment order," he replies with a frown. "Let's go." He snatches up his shotgun and opens the door, waiting for me to walk out.

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