Chapter 40

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The day drags on painfully slowly, especially when confined to a room. It's a surprise the floors have not given way because of the pacing I have been doing. I eat all my meals in the room, refusing to leave and risk another chat with Amber or, gods forbid, Preston. I think it is the day he may return to this place, but I do not know. My mind can not think clearly on a timeline other than that I may finally find freedom tonight.

Nervous energy vibrates within, buzzing through every cell of my body until I am overwhelmed with it. The only solace is walking back and forth across the room to get some of the pent-up energy out. The movement helps, but not enough.

My mind reels with the possibilities. I hate not knowing the plan other than a direction to head towards at a certain time. Yet, would knowing the details make anything better? Probably not.

Finally, the sun sets and it takes another several long hours before it is finally time to go. I grab a zip-up hoodie and throw it on over my tank top, avoiding looking anywhere near my shoulder. My stomach twists at the thought of it alone. I don't need to feel the full force of seeing the mark.

I grab the two things I care about, Luna and the bookmark, shoving them in my pockets before finally leaving the room.

The house seems dark and quiet, just the way I like it.

I move through the space, light on my feet, in an effort to go as unnoticed as possible. Each step takes me closer to the exit and whatever awaits me outside. A strange giddy fearfulness pushes my pulse to go faster and faster with each step I take.

Finally, I am moving past the vast open rooms of the main level and nearly to the back door.

"Hey." Preston's voice stops me in my tracks.

My heart screeches to a halt in my chest. Fuck. He is back.

"Where are you going?" He asks, voice coming from one of those massive sitting rooms, though closer this time. He is making his way toward me.

"Outside," I reply without turning to look at him. Through gritted teeth, I do what I can to swallow my fears. The last thing I need is for him to see right through me and get some sort of inkling that something may be going on. Thankfully, he isn't as accustomed with dealing with this side of me too much, the side that wants nothing to do with him.

"At this hour?" He comes closer.

Still, I refuse to look in his direction. "Last night, I went out around midnight. It's not like I can go past the perimeter, anyway." I boldly decide to continue walking toward the exit.

Preston's hand grabs mine, sending a raging fire through my veins. I welcome the anger as it pushes everything else to the side, leaving little room for worry. His touch has my skin crawling at the contact. Spinning around, I yank my hand free of his and finally look at him.

He appears as immaculate as ever. Dark hair brushed, green eyes piercing me where I stand, a beautifully tailored suit covering a muscular body. My gaze locks with his.

"Do not touch me," I say, taking a step back to put more distance between us.

His brows furrow. "Amber said you may have hurt yourself."

I huff out a breath. "Okay." Not offering any more than that, even though it is obvious he expects details.

Preston releases a sigh paired with a gentle shake of his head. "Please stop making everything harder than it has to be. I am trying to help you."

His words make me feel stuck in some sick game of his. As if all of this is a joke. "You are using me. Not helping me." I clarify things for him.

"That's not true."

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