Chapter 18 - Eight of Wands

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"I know Alaric can come off heartless sometimes." Shelby breaks the silence as we pull into the driveway. "But he is the best Alpha I could have ever asked for because he actually cares about all of us, including you."

I release a breath, not responding as I turn to her.

She turns the engine off. "He thought you were completely safe, surrounded by us. If he knew how that training would affect you, then he would never have done it." She offers me more of an explanation. It is an excuse I don't care about.

"He wanted to prove a point, and he did. Consider the training a success." My voice is bitter, rimmed with agitation. Anger and pain have melded together into a monster I do not recognize. One trapped inside of my body.

"Emma," Shelby says my name as though it is a plea for me to take a softer approach.

It's ridiculous.

"Shelby, I really do not want to talk about how much you love and care for your alpha. I am glad that you do, but I do not care. What he did was messed up. I am not his ward. I am not his child. He has no right to treat me as less than a person."

"Fair enough." She nods, though it is clear she wishes I would see it differently.

My attention moves to their lovely Victorian home. "Are the witches back?"

Shelby tilts her head as if listening for a distant noise. "Yeah, sounds like Phiona is in the study," she answers.

"Your hearing is ridiculous." I glance to her, thankful for her. Without her, I would have fallen apart even worse today. She actually seems to care, even if her head is also up Alaric's tight butt.

She shrugs. "I have the best hearing of the pack."

We get out of the car, and Shelby lingers outside. Likely waiting for everyone else to get home. "For what it's worth, I am sorry for what happened today." Concern touches her eyes, and something about it melts a piece of me.

"None of it was your fault. In fact, you were the only one other than Luna who was remotely concerned for me today. So, thank you."

Her brows pull together, forming a small wrinkle between them. It's clear she wants to say more but bites her tongue. Instead, she gives me a nod, and I leave her.

Luna accompanies me inside, following me to the study.

Phiona is sitting at a desk, looking through a massively old-looking book. Her attention shifts up, and she takes her reading glasses off as I enter.

"I wasn't expecting you today." She comments before her gaze intensifies on me. She reads me entirely too easily. "What happened?"

I ignore the question and ask one of my own. "Can I learn offensive magic? Along with everything else?"

Phiona leans back in her chair, still viewing me as if thinking it over.

After a few seconds, I add, "Spirit chat will not save me if there is an attack."

Phiona nods, but says, "Spirit chat, as you ridiculously put it, can actually be quite powerful. But you are right. It's difficult to fully get, especially with your hesitation regarding that gift. I will have Fallon start teaching you something for offensive tactics tomorrow."

I can't hide the surprise from my face. "Thank you." That was entirely easier than I expected and I am thankful for I am not sure I had the energy to struggle through much of a debate with her.

Phiona nods. Her gaze then drops to the ground as if just noticing Luna. My little golem.

"How did you make her?" I ask, looking at Luna as she stares at me with massive brown eyes.

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