Chapter 7 - Seven of Cups

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It is 4:55 pm on Wednesday

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It is 4:55 pm on Wednesday. Finally.

I have been trying to go about my work and my days as usual. Though that has been a struggle.

Alaric has not shown his face again; however, from time to time, I feel as though someone is watching me, which I now assume to be him. It is a creeping sensation, moving over my skin, clinging to me, and unfortunately becoming annoyingly familiar. Though where the hell he actually is, I have no clue.

Luna is getting restless because I have stopped walking her through the cemetery. She now does her business in the backyard, and that is that. The two of us are primarily confined to the house and the safety here.

Preston eventually stopped trying to call and text. Finally, taking the hint that I am not interested.

I glance at the clock. It is 4:59 pm.

I dial the number to the Diner.

"Hello! Misty's Diner, how can I help ya?" A cheery voice answers after the third ring.

"Hey Misty." I smile at the sound of her.

"Why fry me in butter and call me a catfish!" She yells warmly into the phone. "Is this my Emma on the phone?" By her voice, I can imagine her grin. It would be taking over her face, her eyes crinkling at the edges. The apron she likely wears would be dirty, stained, yet never replaced.

Despite all the unease in my life, my smile grows. "It's me," I confirm.

"Darling, how are you? How is big city life treating you?" She drawls as though she has all the time in the world to chat. Which I know is not true. People are likely already starting to gather at the Diner for their after-work meals. It would be a busy time for her.

"It's fine. Though it isn't exactly a big city." Compared to where Misty's Diner is, I am living in a metropolitan. Compared to a place like New York City, I live in a poser town trying to get by being called a city. "Listen, is Drew there?"

"Yeah. He's here." Her joy evaporates after picking up on my urgency. "One-sec sweetness."

There is some shuffling sound, muffled noises, and then the person I have been waiting for finally speaks.

"What's the matter Em?" A familiar gravely voice asks. Straight to the point, like always.

It is useless asking how he knows that something is wrong. Drew always knows. A bird can fly by strangely, and to him, that is a sign which means something. He simply knows things. It is as though the earth speaks to him. Revealing secrets that only he is capable of picking up on.

"A wolf has come to town," I say to him, figuring that is as good a place as any to start.

He exhales slowly into the phone. It is not quite a sigh but enough for me to know he is not pleased. "You keep away from them."

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