Chapter 28 - continued

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Warning: this chapter is going to be steamy. Please skip it if this is not your thing. And if it is, hope you enjoy <3

Alaric shifts his weight, moving over me until we are both laying down. He has me trapped between him and the couch and I am a prisoner that never wants to escape. His lips leave mine, leaving a trail of kisses running along my jaw while his hands move over the soft fabric of my nightgown. He brushes his nose along the crook of my neck as he unbuttons my shirt.

My muscles briefly clench with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

I want him so badly, yet there is some part of me that is cautious. There is a hesitance that creeps into my body. A fear of rejection, even though he has given no inkling of it, or possibly it is a fear of something else. I can not make sense of it through the chaos moving within me.

Lips find mine once more and I am melting from the inside. They are a mixture of a hard demand yet softly welcoming and warm. The way they move over mine has me forgetting my thoughts. The taste of him is inviting, filling me with a potent desire.

Fingertips trail over my belly, rising between my breasts till reaching my throat. His touch is completely intoxicating. It is as if all of him is a drug and the more he touches me, the more drunk I get off of him. My heart races as his hand travels back down till finding my breast, taking it without hesitation, as if I am his.

I never wanted to be or feel possessed by anyone in my life. Yet in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to simply be his for the taking.

Through his sweatpants, I feel him stiffen against my leg as his hand continues to knead my breast. I want to touch him, to explore him, yet my fingers remain gripping the back of his neck while my other fists his shirt. There are so many sensations that I can hardly manage simply existing in this moment.

My back arches as he squeezes, and I moan into his mouth. Alaric's touch renders me completely senseless. The effect he has on me is irrational.

His throat vibrates with a dark chuckle while I feel as though I am dying for him. I can not get over how soft he feels against my mouth as he addictively invades all of my senses.

With every beat of my heart, my craving for him only grows. I tangle my fingers in his dark hair while the other hand finds the hem of his shirt and wanders over the smooth skin of his back. His muscles ripple and move underneath my touch.

Once again, his lips leave mine and travel down my throat. The feel of him is entirely too much, overwhelming all of me. His hand leaves my breast, drifting down my side before flirting with the hem of my pajama pants. As his fingertips drift lower, my heart tenses, nearly freezing in my chest.

Without thought, I grab his wrist, my fingers wrapping around him like I am holding on to a lifeline, afraid to slip away, to move deeper. Yet at the same time, it is all I want.

Alaric freezes, his entire body goes still. He lifts his head, eyes finding mine.

"You want me to stop?" He asks.

The question is so simple, yet a strange dread moves within me. Stopping is the last thing I want. But there is fear of what this would mean, the vulnerability in going farther, it causes me to hesitate.

I trust Alaric, but do I trust myself to remain true to myself? To not let myself tumble down the wrong road. I had not been with anyone for a very long time, other than... My thoughts seem to fragment, refusing to continue that line of thinking.

The hungry look in Alaric's gaze pulls me back into the moment and I shake my head no. I don't want to stop, yet it is getting hard to breathe.

"Say it." His eyes seem to go a shade darker.

"No." My throat feels too dry.

He tilts his head ever so slightly and the movement sends a tremble through me. "No, what?"

My face grows unbearably hot. "I don't want you to stop."

He lowers his head till it is barely above my breasts yet does not touch me. "You sure?" His breath caresses my nipple and I think I am about to explode from the inside.

I choke out an answer. "Yes."

His mouth sinks to my breast, sucking before pinching my nipple between his teeth, sending lightning along my body. I am so turned on I don't think my body's pain receptors even work because of the flood of sensations running through me. I am drowning in heat.

His fingers drift beneath my bottoms and then under my panties.

My hand remains on his wrist, but I don't stop him as his fingers explore a different part of me. He takes hardly any time before he finds a rhythm that has my mind drawing a blank. My brain can no longer think. I simply only exist. The pads of his fingers move in a circular motion, and I can feel the intensity building within until it's almost unbearable.

My body clenches. A moan escapes my throat, and I cover my mouth with my hand.

I can hardly focus enough to keep breathing.

"Shh." Alaric lifts his head, watching me as I feel like I am going mad. "You don't want to wake your friends, do you?"

The bastard takes that moment to slip a finger inside of me and I swear my eyes must roll into the back of my skull. My fingers dig into his back and his only response is a smirk before his mouth finds my breasts again.

He inserts another finger while the pad of his thumb continues its relentless circular motion. I can't think, can't breathe, can't contain everything within myself. Whatever he is doing has me turned into a rabid animal.

He presses his free hand into the couch beside my head, and I turn to it. I muffle a moan by wrapping my teeth around his wrist and biting.

His lips press a smile into my skin before his movements become more methodical, more torturous. The pressure within somehow builds even more until I teeter on the edge. His arm moves and my teeth release him only for his hand to cover my mouth, as if he knows I can not control myself anymore.

I moan into his palm, praying that it stifles the sound enough.

"That's it." As he breathes out those words, I lose my mind completely. I do not know what noises I make, no clue how my back arches or curves. I see only darkness behind my pressed eyelids as my body fills with the most colorful surge of energy. Every single muscle tenses and the release I feel is more than satisfying. It is healing. I am reborn.

I am also apparently cheesy as hell.

Alaric withdraws his hand from my pants and releases my mouth with his other.

I lay there, inhaling the sweet oxygen which makes me feel light enough that I may be floating. I am so satisfied that I don't even feel embarrassed for the animal he turned me into.

Lips press into mine, and if pure bliss had a taste, this would be it.

I feel his hard length twitch against my leg and reach for his pants, only for him to grab my wrist.

"Don't worry about that right now," he murmurs before rising from the couch.

"But I want to return the favor," I say with a pout, propping myself up on my elbows.

He grabs his blanket and drapes it over me. "Oh, you will." His lips curl with a smile before he gifts me a fleeting kiss.

"Where are you going?" I ask when he stands and walks from the living room.

"Bathroom. Don't worry, I'll be back." He winks and disappears into the hall.

I fall back onto the pillow with a sigh.

In the bathroom, the shower turns on. And that is the last thing I remember hearing before finally, sleep finds me. I stir awake only once when Alaric returns, smelling of fresh soap as he makes due of the small couch, and wraps his arms around me as I fall back asleep.

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