Chapter 22 - The Empress

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Alaric assigns Shelby to my security detail as soon as we get back, never to leave my side. While I gather my things in record timing.

I pack a bag, having no idea how long we are actually leaving for.

"You finished?" Shelby asks, glancing out the window before turning to me. There is a tension that enveloped her. Everyone is on edge since learning of Preston's return. Half the pack shifted and took off into the surrounding areas, as if to guard our homes from a distance.

I pull open a drawer, snagging the vial with magic inside and shove it in my pocket. Amazing how the discomfort of touching it is gone. Nothing like a threat to your life and those you care for to really put into perspective where fear belongs.

"Yeah." I sling my bag over my shoulder, and we leave my house, heading next door. Luna stays at my side, ears pointed, eyes alert. It is clear something is going on, and she has picked up on it, remaining vigilant.

I enter the house to Alaric and Phiona debating on where we should go. One wants to run and hide in the woods, the other wants to go to another city.

"How about we go to Drew's?" I interrupt. His place is in the woods, but at least there's a house there. It also helps that those are the woods I had grown up in and Drew knows every tree and shrub there. He would know if something was off.

Phiona's eyes narrow on me as she thinks it over. "It's not a terrible idea."

"How much does Preston know about Drew?" Alaric asks, and I nearly cringe at hearing the fairy's name come from his mouth. I wonder what he thinks of Preston's comment before I hung up on him. On second thought, I don't want to know. Thinking about this only adds to my discomfort.

"He knows nothing."

"You sure?"

"Yes." I turn to Phiona. "Drew won't love the idea of having all of us come to him, but he cares about me and wants me safe. I know that for certain. He would open his home up to us. He would help. I trust him."

Her lip lifts at the side into a crooked smile. "As if he has much of a choice." She glances around the room. "Alright, we will head to Drew."

Heavy footsteps pull all of us towards the door just as Conry barrels through. "Emma's friends are here."

Ally rounds the corner, stopping at the threshold of the room. Her wide eyes absorb everyone. "Wow," she whispers, taking in the witches and shifters crowding the space.

"Umm, hello," Charles mutters, coming to a stop beside her.

Ally's attention snaps back to him. "Oh yeah. Preston visited Charles too."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I step towards him, the movement forces his gaze to center on me.

"Why would I? The guy is a tool. Be it a very yummy-looking tool, yet, still a tool. I don't want to let him take up any more real estate in your mind. I was going to see if we can do something with setting you up with that delicious bartender from Ally's birthday..." his gaze leaves me looking over those in the room. "But looks like you have been holding out on me and busy surrounding yourself with some eye candy all on your own."

My face warms.

"He knows nothing," Ally says with a frown.

"After I texted Ally about Preston, she told me to get ready for an emergency trip. If I get to be surrounded by this group, then I don't think I even need to know anything more than that." His gaze moves over those in the room.

Phiona shakes her head with a sigh. "I need to collect a few last-minute things before we get going." She turns to me. "Is he to be trusted?"

"Yes," I say quickly and realize I mean it. Charles is playful and ridiculous, but he has always been fiercely loyal.

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