Chapter 2 -Two of Wands

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The music base is so loud that I am fairly certain my heart is forced into a matching rhythm

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The music base is so loud that I am fairly certain my heart is forced into a matching rhythm. One that likely nudges me closer to cardiac arrest. The vibration of every beat resonates in my chest, running to every limb of my body.

Beyond the bar, people set themselves free on the dance floor. Their movements are broken up by the flare of a strobe light which is bound to give me a headache- if the music doesn't beat it to the punch. Taking a breath, I watch the bodies lost in a blissful disorientation. They are adrift in the liquid which clouds their thoughts, the lights blurring their vision, and the sound commanding their movements.

"Birthday shots!!" Ally slides me a shot down the bar before moving closer, pulling my attention away from the dance floor.

I lift my gin and tonic with heavy lime. "Already got one," I say, knowing it will not protect me the way I wished.

Ally pouts. "But it's my birthday week!"

Yup, you heard that right. Birthday week. It is better than what it used to be- birthday month.

"Just take it. You know there is no escape," Charles slurrs his advice into my ear. Even slightly intoxicated, his British accent causes him to still sound incredibly posh. I have always wished I had an accent.

I sigh in resignation. He is right, but I could at least have tried to oppose longer in order to hopefully end the night with a lower number of shots.

Ally's brows crinkle together and she starts bouncing up and down on her toes as if on the verge of a tantrum.

"You are going to be the death of me," I grumble, reaching for the glass.

Ally's pout evaporates into a large smile and she throws an arm around Charles. "Whatever you said, thank you!"

"Anything for you, princess!" He reaches for his own shot.

I fix my gaze on Ally. Her smile growing as I lift my glass to hers. "To the woman who continues to fill my life with copious amounts of joy and booze. Happy Birthday, Ally."

Our glasses clink before I down it, chasing with my gin and tonic.

Ally's arm wraps around my neck, likely going for a friendly embrace and not the choke hold it nearly turns into. I was late to meet with her and Charles and it is clear that they have begun the celebration early.

"I love you so much Em!" She brings her face to mine so that our cheeks press together. "Seriously, you are my soul mate!"

"Hey now!" Charles flips his hand through the air as though he is offended.

"Oh Charlie! You know I love you too!" She thankfully frees me in an attempt to throw a choke hold around his neck.

Charles stops her with a single hand before him. "I don't need the love left overs." 

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