Chapter 12 - King of Wands

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The stars are incredible.

Tiny twinkling things, brilliantly contrasting against the darkness which surrounds them.

Water hits my face, I lose my floating balance. The liquid then travels up my nose as I go to stand in the pool. My chest contracts with a cough, opposing the water that goes down the wrong hole. Though it is pool water, there aren't really any correct holes for it to go down.

"So, what do you think of breaking and entering?" Conry asks, a smirk on his face.

We are floating about in an in-the-ground pool that belongs to a house where the residents are out of town. How Conry knows they are gone is unknown to me, but I also don't care. I enjoy swimming. The feel of the water around my skin, the sensation of being weightless. When floating, it helps to drown out everything. The entire world disappears.

I shrug a single shoulder. "Not too bad."

"We aren't breaking or entering anything. We found an outdoor pool and used it. That's all." Shelby adds her own thoughts.

"This isn't dangerous enough for you? Need something else to get your blood boiling?" He sends her a suggestive look. Blue eyes focus so intently on her.

"I don't need anything," she states.

His lips pull into a crooked smile. "We all have needs, darlin."


"If you want more danger, then we can turn this into skinny dipping instead," Conry comments.

"I am taking myself out of this plan," I say at once.

Being wolves, they undress fully to shift. It's probably more comfortable for them to be naked around each other than ordinary people. That's a weird thought. No way am I getting naked with any of them.

Shelby splashes Conry in the face. "Quit being a perv."

I am already swimming around with a couple wolves that are little more than strangers, and we are all in our underwear. What the hell am I doing?

"I am not a perv. You are the one who wants something more dangerous." He shoves his hand over the water, sending a wave at Shelby's face.

The two begin bickering like an old couple, and I wonder why they weren't a couple.

The phone on the side of the pool lights up for the seventh time. I see it as an excuse to change the subject. "Soooo, someone's phone has been lighting up enough that it's trying to be a strobe light."

"Damn it!" Conry spins around so fast that the movement creates a small wave.

"You idiot, you kept it on silent?" Shelby grumbles. Being the closest to it, she reaches for it and sighs. "We gotta go."

"What's going on?" I ask while Shelby and Conry are already getting out of the pool.

"Alaric isn't pleased," Shelby mumbles, shoving her clothing into her bag before reaching for mine. "You want to put this on? Or I can throw it in my bag."

"Take it." I move to the edge of the pool before lifting myself out of it. "I'll dry off some as we walk." I am thankful for wearing relatively modest black underwear with a matching black bra. It would look like I might be wearing a bathing suit from afar and at night. Or I might just look like a wet hooker. At this point, I didn't really care. I have other things to worry about in life.

Conry's phone lights up again in his hand, and he groans. "Just great."


"Nothing." His short reply instantly ends our light mood.

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