Chapter 44

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I get into the passenger seat of Alaric's car, while Shelby and Conry climb into the back. My gaze catches sight of Fallon and we nod at each other as he heads to Phiona's vehicle with the other two witches who carry an unconscious Phiona. I am too tired to feel anything but exhaustion when I look at her. The woman who barged into my life. And for what? To create chaos, pretend that she cared for me until ultimately trying to take my life? She should have just stayed dead and away.

Drew mentions something to Alaric before he heads to his truck. Alaric gets in the car, stilling when his eyes land on me. He searches my face, probably trying to see if I am okay. I am not. The way his jaw clenches, he can probably tell as much. Or he is angry with me. "Drew is going to tail us as we drive," he says, letting me know what was said out there.

I nod, not knowing what to say in return. Alaric's jaw ticks as he tears his eyes away from me. The engine rumbles to life. The other wolves spread out amongst other vehicles and motorcycles.

For a while, the car is silent.

We drive down a road that seems to cut through the woods. It's dark as I stare out the window at nothing. My gaze is unfocused.

Alaric places a hand on my leg and I know he can feel me shaking. The warmth of his touch brings my attention to him.

He glances at me before refocusing on the road, his fingers squeezing my leg briefly in a silent 'I'm here'.

"Are you angry with my decision?" I ask as a strange restless numbness seems to settle over me.

Alaric's gaze briefly cuts to me before refocusing on the road. "No, Em. I don't deny that I would have enjoyed ending that fairy's life. But I am not angry for your choice to spare him."

I nod and turn to look out the window once more.

"You should get some rest," Shelby says from the back.

"I don't think I can," I say, even though I am exhausted. My body aches everywhere, but my mind won't go still long enough for any hope of rest. I'm not even thinking of anything in particular. Anxiety simply has a choke hold on me and I don't have the strength of trying to break free.

There's movement in the back. Then an open palm appears between me and Alaric, holding a small tablet. "Here, this should help."

I hesitate.

"She's right. After what you have been through, you need the rest. We will all be here. You are safe." Alaric's honey gaze finds me but leaves too soon. He sighs as if thinking the same thing, wishing he didn't have to drive, though I doubt he would trust anyone else given the situation.

"Yeah, we got you," Conry chimes in before I take the tablet and swallow it.

Fifteen minutes later, I feel my incoherent thoughts slow, my muscles relax, and finally, I am tugged into darkness.


"Emma." Alaric's gentle voice rouses me. I nearly smile at the sound of him before shock peels my eyelids open and I jerk awake before remembering who I am with and where I am.

Wait, where am I?

"You are okay. You're safe," he says, tone certain and calm, which helps relieve some of the tension from my body. He is still in the driver's seat, but opens his door. "I'm going to come around to you."

"Where are we?" I turn from him. It looks like we are in a massive cemetery. Everywhere I look, I see no edge to it, just graves. And before us is a huge gothic-looking building. The morning sun glistens on the windows as it dances on the horizon.

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