Chapter 35

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I wake on the floor. The weight of a blanket presses down on me, keeping the warmth in. Rubbing dry residue of what once were tears from my eyes, I roll onto my side and notice a tall glass of water resting beside me, along with a plate with what looks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it.

The last moments before I fell asleep run through my mind. How I lay on the floor and imagine Ally is with me: Preston and his threats. I turn so fast, my neck nearly snaps, to look at the dresser on which I left Luna. My heart instantly races. I relax back on the floor as soon as I spot her, thankful he didn't take her. Not that he even needs to for I certainly can not hide her anywhere he would not find. At least not while I have this thing around my neck.

My mouth is dry to where I am not sure I can even talk. Propping myself up on an elbow, I reach for the room temp water and down it. Water always tastes so good when I am desperate for it. Setting the empty glass back onto the floor, I frown at the sandwich that I don't doubt Preston made. The thought of accepting it pisses me off, but my stomach is angry and about to eat me from within. I am too hungry to reject food at this point and reach for it, taking furious bites, refusing to allow myself to relish in the flavor.

I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and he knows it.

Once I finish the horrid thing, I slowly rise from the floor. Muscles groan and protest the movement as though I am ancient and slept on a bed of rocks. With slow steps, I make my way to the dresser, and the golem resting on top. Luna stands there, a figurine, yet her eyes look to track me even though she can not move. Reaching for her, I take her into my hand and bring her to my chest and just hold her there against my skin. What I would do to be able to turn her into herself, to feel her warmth? But I don't know how.

Refusing to let her go, I keep her tucked away in my hand as I reach for the blanket on the floor and wrap it around myself. I am still wearing the dress from last night, thankful that they did not undress me while asleep. However, I am desperate to get out of this thing. It is not designed to be worn for so long. I glance at the dresser, wondering if there is something in there I could change into. There probably is. I would bet money it's filled with clothes that would fit me perfectly. The thought instantly sends a jolt of disgust through me. How long was he planning on doing this to me?

Leaving the plate and empty glass on the floor, I make my way to the door. It is closed, and I do not know if it will open when I try it. I'm not sure what would be worse. But my mind is beginning to race in the background, behind the wall I am trying to keep my thoughts blocked by. If I stay here, they are bound to break free and consume me. I need to move, to focus on something else.

Taking a deep breath, I reach for the doorknob, slowly turning it as though afraid of what may be on the other side. The door opens without a sound, and I peer into the hallway lit by the morning sun filtering from a larger space beyond. Sounds of sizzling and the scent of bacon greet me, leaving a trail for me to follow.

After another deep breath, I step into the hall, walking down it to the kitchen.

Preston is here, wearing grey lounge pants and a crisp white shirt as he cooks. He is moving around the stove with ease. The Fairy Prince always enjoyed cooking, it humanized him. Made him seem more normal than he is. Helping me forget he is a fairy. That is something I will never forget again.

"Good morning." He flashes me his charming smile when he spots me hovering in the area where the hallway meets the kitchen.

"Maybe for you," I reply.

His smile briefly falls. Did he imagine I would wake up and be suddenly thrilled to be in the situation that I am in? Did he forget how we left things off last night? Or maybe he hoped I was too drunk to remember all that.

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