Chapter 38

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Elija's hazel eyes sparkle with mystery. He does not appear evil, nor does he present as safe. There is an air of unknown surrounding him, and it is not simply the fact that I know little to nothing of vampires. This feeling has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with him and the type of person he may be. Danger lurks around him as though it is his pet. However, he doesn't seem like the type to use that pet unnecessarily.

"What could we possibly help you with?" I ask cautiously. The vampire before me exudes a delicate level of confidence and certainty that melds into something much more than either of those things alone. He is powerful. It is a sensation I can feel in the chill running through my bones because of his attention.

Whatever it is he wants the shifters and me to do will not be easy, and I doubt it will be safe.

That gaze stays locked on me, and I can not break that stare. "You eavesdropped enough on my conversation with Xavier to know I have a little blood witch problem." The words fall effortlessly from his lips with no malice. He does not care that I listened to their private conversation.

My muscles tighten. "You want us to help you find her? And then what, I trade my freedom to imprison another witch?" The thought makes me feel sick but is also a way out for me. What if this is the only chance I get? Could I doom another life? Thoughts flash through my mind.

His lips quirk to the side, amusement shining in his eyes. "No. I want you to save her."

Breath leaves me in surprise, and I glance at Ally, who is smiling at the vampire and looking him up and down like she is observing art. "From what?" I turn back to him.

Some of the playfulness wafting off of him settles. That pet he keeps now stirs, and the essence of danger seems to tighten between us as he replies, "From me."

The confusion on my face must be clear and amusing, for Elijah chuckles before taking a step toward me. Though the move is not made with threatening intent, I can't help my pulse from spiking. My knees lock to keep from stepping away to maintain the distance between us.

"I know who the blood witch is. Eventually, I will have no choice but to capture her. She will need some help to get out of the mess she is so quickly getting herself into," he tells me.

"Holy shit. I think he cares for her." Ally says under her breath. I am inclined to agree with her.

"Why not just let her go?" It makes no sense. He is asking me to get involved in something he can stop by simply leaving her be.

Elijah's head slowly sways from side to side. "It doesn't work that way."

There is more that he is not telling me, and by the stern set of his jaw, it doesn't seem like he is inclined to divulge more than he has.

"Why me and the wolf shifters? What makes you think we are equipped to help with this?" I ask.

Another smile graces his lips. "The short of it is that vampires fight with their teeth. It's instinctual. Vampires also can not drink wolf-shifter blood. So, you and your wolves are perfect for getting this done with minimum bloodshed."

"Why can't vampires drink the blood?" Ally asks.

 I glance at her before repeating the question so Elijah hears it. "Why can't you drink shifter blood?"

His eyes narrow as he views me for a moment. "Time is running out. Do you agree or not?"

It appears he is not interested in giving me any more information on this matter. So I ask, "What makes you think the wolves will do this?"

"They will do anything to get you back."

"How do you know that?"

"I spoke to them."

Now I am the one taking a step toward him. Hope shoots through me, and suddenly I feel lighter. "How do I know you are telling me the truth?"

"He said you would be cautious and untrusting."

I didn't have to ask who Elijah spoke of, for he reached into his pocket and presented a small silver bookmark. The one my mother gave me and the same one Alaric had presented to me what felt like so long ago, yet I couldn't touch it. Something that my mother gifted me before being slaughtered by the fairies. My throat tightens, and I look away from it.

"You saw Alaric?" I try to focus on the present.

"You mean your moody alpha wolf boyfriend? "

Ally lets out a small laugh, "Oh, he has seen him for sure."

Elijah continues, "Yes. They have already agreed to my terms if knowing that makes you feel better."

I glance at Ally, who nods in reassurance before my gaze locks back on to the vampire. "Then I agree too."

"Wonderful." He holds out the bookmark higher. "You want this thing?"

I hesitate, my fingertips nearly go numb, before reaching out and taking it. The silver is cool to the touch, yet it still feels as though my skin burns at the contact. I shove it into my pocket, hoping that it is enough of a separation to keep me from rushing down a hole of memories. The bookmark feels like a heavy weight in my pocket, burning a hole through the fabric and pressing up against me.

Elijah's voice brings me back to reality. "Your wolves and witches will come to break you out shortly after midnight tomorrow night. Come out here." He angles his head to the side. "And walk towards the perimeter of trees."

The middle of the night? "How am I supposed to leave the house at that hour?"

Elijah releases a breath as though surprised by my question. "They collared you, so why can't you leave the house? Not like they should fear you running away. Besides, the prison gate here is that wall of trees, not the mansion's walls. Amber will not care that you are outside at night. This should be simple for you."

He says Amber's name easily and without hostility. So, he knows the fairy promised to Preston. Does she know Elijah is here now, talking to me? Is all of this some kind of trick? But he has the bookmark. Unless they attacked the wolves and took it from them to use for this, yet I can not think of a reason to do this. And from the promise I made with Preston with the collar, if they attacked the wolves, then the promise would be broken, and I would be freed, would I not? 

"And how am I to get the collar off?" I ask, trying not to let all the uncertainty drown me in this moment.

He shrugs a shoulder. "That is Phiona's problem. I didn't really ask what her plan was. Just agreed to deliver a message so that you could be ready and in the location they need you to be in at the right time."


"Best of luck to you, Emma Sapphirus." He says matter-of-factly before turning and walking from me into the woods.

"How does he come and go unnoticed by the Fairies?" I ask Ally, who nods in the direction Elijah walks.

"Vampires must have their ways." She says when I look back to see him gone as though he vanished. Does he fly? Or move so fast that my eyes can't perceive it? I am still so uneducated when it comes to these things.

"How did you know he was coming here?" I turn to Ally, who warned me he approached in the first place.

"I guess ghosts have their ways too." She smirks. A part of her goes translucent as if she is disappearing.

"What is happening?" Panic shoots through my veins.

"It's okay. I'll be back." With a full, bright smile, she vanishes completely.

"Don't leave me!" I rush to where she just stood, but nothing is there.

I remain standing here for a few minutes, alone in these woods. My mind races over everything that just happened. I got Ally back. Or is that even real? Could my mind be playing tricks on me?

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