Chapter 9 - The Reversed King of Wands

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I wake up at 4:30 am and am unable to fall back asleep

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I wake up at 4:30 am and am unable to fall back asleep. Nerves keep my heart racing, feeling as though it will break through the wall of my chest. All possibilities of rest are nonexistent. I am far too jazzed with anticipation that I can't even sit still for any amount of time.

By 7 am, I finally have enough of the torture and leave my house.

Luna and I walk down to a nearby coffee shop where I get a steamy almond milk cappuccino. We then continue, slowly making our way back home as I sip my coffee. Early mornings on weekends are our favorite time to stroll down the ordinarily bustling street. Everything moves at a slower pace at this time of day. It is quiet. The bars and restaurants are still closed. Only a few cute coffee shops and breakfast places are open at this hour.

I take a breath, filling my lungs with fresh, crisp air while enjoying the tranquility.

Luna's tail remains up, swinging ever so slightly as she glances at her surroundings. She nearly always seems to have a smile on her face. When a jogger runs by, her ears flicker towards him, attention yanking to the motion, yet she doesn't pull. I don't know how I got so lucky with her, for I literally didn't have to train her to do anything. She seems to just always know how to behave.

We are keeping a leisurely pace when a chill runs down my spine.

The hair on my neck stands.

My steps slow, and I glance over my shoulder. It is still early, and the sidewalk is sparse. Just a few others walking their dogs and some morning joggers. Things look normal.

"Hey." A voice interrupts my observation.

My neck is still craned to look over my shoulder, so when a hand grips my arm to keep me from running into them coffee first, I yelp in fearful surprise. The coffee he tries to save ends up being spilled anyway when I nearly jump right out of my shoes.

"Fuck!" warm liquid douses my hand, spraying his shirt, and the cap somehow flies right off the cup that I still manage to be holding.

I turn to Alaric accusingly. "Look what you made me do!"

He looks down at his shirt. Noting the stains on his white and blue form-fitting button-down that seems to so nicely wrap that body of his.

Narrowed eyes lift to mine. "Well, you weren't looking where you were going. Also, you weren't home, and I told you they were coming this morning."

"It's basically morning until noon. You didn't clarify a time, and I wasn't going to just be waiting around at home for half the day." I answer, switching the nearly empty cup to another hand while flicking coffee off the one that got doused.

"I'll remember to be more specific in the future." He grumbles. "Let' s go." He turns and takes a couple steps before noticing that I have yet to move. I remain still on the sidewalk as he strides towards me again, slips a hand under my arm, and tries to usher me down the street.

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