Chapter 16 - Page of Cups (reversed)

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It's Friday and the only day I go in to work this week. Phiona allowed for it because I refused to tell my boss, Chris, over email that I would need extended time off. Somehow, when everything in my life seems to go sideways, my career appears to be holding on.

At the end of the day, I meet in Chris's office to inform him I need to take extended leave for family matters. Thankfully, he doesn't press for more detail and instead tells me I could use all my saved up hours of sick and vacation time without issue. I have loads of sick time saved up over the few years of working there. I don't know how I got so lucky. Hopefully, things settle in time that I still have a job when I am ready to go back, but I plan to worry about that another day.

I park outside my house. Hesitation slows my steps as I walk up to my front door.

It is eerie quiet next door. They have only a single vehicle parked in the driveway.

"Hey, Emma!" Shelby calls out as she strides out of the house, pulling a massive cooler on wheels.

"What's going on?" I nod towards the cooler. It looks large enough to carry a body.

"Oh, we are having a lake day. Just came by to re-load on some supplies. Care to join?" Her warm smile is disarming.

"Are the witches there?"

She snorts a laugh. "No. With you gone most of the day, they went to have a séance or something. Not sure when they will be back."

"I don't know." I am hesitant because I honestly don't know if it is a good idea. Suddenly, I am constantly surrounded by people who seem too invested in what is going on with me, and it's not something I am used to.

My attention strays to my house. Even though Luna is there waiting for me, I feel a sense of loneliness about going home. Typically, I would have called Preston or Ally to fill the void, but Preston was no longer an option, and Ally is grabbing drinks with her work friends, and I definitely didn't want to join the thirsty puppies today.

"Oh, C'mon. It will be fine." Shelby leans against the car, one hand on the hood while waiting for a firmer response.

I bite my lip. An evening at the lake sounds fun. "Is there enough time for me to change? And can I bring Luna?"

"Totally!" She flashes a bright smile.

"I'll be right back!"

I run into the house, throw on the first bikini I can find, put on a cover-up and grab a towel. Two minutes later, I am in the car with Shelby. Luna is living it up in the back seat. The windows are all down, blowing my hair wildly while Luna sticks her face out the window and tries to gobble up the wind. She is loving life, and I can't help but wonder if this is something she did a lot when she lived her life as a true dog. Drew told me she remembered nothing of that life, and I can't decide whether I am more relieved or saddened by that.

Shelby and I sit in strangely comfortable silence, humming along to songs as they come up on the radio. I realize my mood lightened around her and that troubles me. She is a part of a wolf pack. Granted, they are not as bad as I had imagined, but they are still volatile in my life. They are, without a doubt, one reason why my nightmares have returned, and the witches are the other.

The best thing for me is to be rid of them as soon as possible.

"You okay?" Shelby asks, glancing at me before turning back to the road. "You seem troubled by thoughts or something."

"I'm okay." I quickly reply.

"I know this is all probably a lot to take in for you, but you will get through this," she says with certainty, not wrong in assuming my thoughts revolved around the crap storm surrounding me.

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