Chapter 33

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My gaze drifts back to the floor while the Fairy King strides from the room. While I stare at nothing, racing thoughts drown me. My fingers stretch, palms pressed into the floor. I try to focus on the sensation of the cold wooden grain beneath my hands, but I fail, succumbing to the growing panic within.

I am a prisoner.

Worse than that. I am a slave to the fairies. Collard and helpless. Completely alone.

I used to wish to always be alone. It was something I thought I desired ever since fairies took my family from me. Now I know how wrong I was, for I was never really alone. I always had Drew, and when he was out of reach, then I had Ally. Being alone was not what I wanted. I was just very particular about those who I wished to share my life with. A select few.

"Let me help you up." Preston's feet make a similar sound to his father's as they slap the floor with each of his steps.

Preston. One of the select few who I let in, only for him to destroy my life and take everything away from me.

"Don't touch me." My voice is thick with venom that can not actually hurt anyone. Instead, it lingers inside of me, filling my mind with bitterness.

Preston pauses before me yet does not reach for me. A sigh passes through his lips. "Emma, if you just do what you are told, then that never has to happen again."

It is comical how simply he says that. As if it should be easy for me.

"I hate you." Also, I don't particularly appreciate that it hurts having him unmasked. There was happiness in playing the fool. Simply being friends with fairy royalty. Part of me mourns for a relationship that was never even real, and I hate it.

"If you don't want me to touch you, then fine. But you need to stand and we need to go." Preston replies calmly, unbothered by my statement. Does anything ever trouble him?

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. Forcing thoughts from my mind and the emotions from the foreground. I want to be numb to it. But none of it actually ever leaves. Everything lingers in the shadows of my mind and soul. The pain is a cape tied around my neck, out of sight if I face forward but always attached, weighing me down. There is nowhere I can go that it does not follow close behind.

Rising from the ground, I finally look at Preston. His lips part, then close.He glances at his watch. "Let's go."

We walk in silence, getting back on the elevator. He types some sort of code in and we take it to the next destination. The doors slide open. We step into a circular foyer with a round table and an outrageously massive cream flower centerpiece.

The foyer opens up into an impressively large room with more leather couches and chairs in a few various seating areas. similar to the ones in Xavier's office There are people everywhere. At least twenty of them fill the room, which I am realizing must be a living spacious room of sorts, for there is a dining area and a gorgeous chef's kitchen off to the side. The wall of windows straight ahead opens up into a balcony, and the sliding glass doors are open, letting a cool breeze dance through the place.

"I am pleased to present Emma Sapphirus!." Xavier's voice seems to travel on that same breeze. He holds up a glass in my direction.  Suddenly all eyes are on me. "The Sapphire witch we recently acquired."

I freeze as the room erupts into sounds of jovial cheers. My stomach twists as nausea coils within.

Acquired... like some sort of property they just purchased.

"Please, everyone, enjoy the night," Xavier said. Whatever speech we walked in on ended with my arrival.

Wait staff circulates around the room, carrying snacks or flutes of champagne. A server with champaign walks by, and I snatch a glass, downing it in one breath. The bubbles nearly choke me. If I am forced to be here, and they are offering booze, then I will drink it. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow realizing that all of this is nothing more than a bad hangover.

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