Chapter 10 - Judgment

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A knock on my door is yanking me out of my sleep with violence

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A knock on my door is yanking me out of my sleep with violence.

My heart catapults into my throat, spine straightening as I bolt out of bed as though I have been electrocuted.

Luna jumps to her feet, startled by my behavior and not the knock at the door. Large brown eyes view me with alarm, her ears pointed.

Another impatient knock bangs through my small house, and I turn towards the sound angrily. My eyes squint through the wall as if I could see through it and through the entire house straight to whoever stands on the other side of my front door.

Finally, I begin moving. My feet shuffle along the cool wooden floor as I make my way to the door. Internally I reach a tendril of magic towards the wards of the house. They come to life at my touch, sizzling through the air, letting me know they are active and ready.

I swing the front door open, not caring who the hell is on the other side. I am done being harassed by wolves, witches, or fairies. They can all just piss off.

Phiona stands outside, lips pressed into a thin line. Her harsh eyes glare at me. They rake over my body, taking in the evidence that I literally just had gotten out of bed- my unkempt hair, the oversized T-shirt that thankfully covers my underwear, and bare feet.

"How is it possible that you sleep in so late?" She says by way of good morning. Her voice, though different from my mother's, still carries similarities. And suddenly, caught it in the nostalgia of the voice, I answer her instead of just slamming the door in her face.

"I always wake up early. Unfortunately, lately, sleep has gotten away from me, and I can no longer fall asleep at a decent hour." I pin her with an accusing stare.

She huffs, her attention moving into the room behind me. She then takes a step towards the threshold. Another step and she crosses it before moving past me.

The wards sizzle in response, the house hisses, and nothing.

Nothing happens.

I did not allow her to enter, yet there she stands, in my small living room. Blue eyes look around, taking in the way I have been living. Meanwhile, I remained bewildered by the front door, my feet glued to the floor.

Luna stands beside me and doesn't respond. She does not attack the stranger that has just entered our space uninvited. Traitor, I glare at her.

"How the hell did you do that?" I don't dare move as Phiona's attention returns to me.

A small smile pulls at her thin lips. "You think your wards can keep me out? A witch with your bloodline?" She chuckles, "don't get me wrong, they are good wards. They tickled a bit when I walked through them."

I remain where I stand.

Phiona releases a sigh, gesturing towards the door. "Why not close that and have a seat. It's time that we talk."

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