Chapter 20- The Lovers

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After another full day of witchcraft training, I am exhausted, nearly falling asleep on the couch, when someone knocks at my door.

Luna releases a startling bark, woken from her slumber. She stands, her tail swaying excitedly as she prances between me and the entrance. Her movement grows more and more limited as the space shrinks with each step I take.

I open the door to find Alaric. I should have peeked out the window to confirm I wanted to even see whoever was on the other side.

"Hey," he greets me. 

"What do you want?"Suddenly I feel that mixture of anger and pain blossoming in my chest. They are the same emotions that surrounded me when we had spoken at the lake. The same ones that a week ago manifested into some strange power that I apparently stole from Preston.

Alaric's dark gaze pins me, holding my attention captive. "Care to accompany me for a walk?" He tilts his head, and the way the side of his face catches the light from the setting sun makes him look god-like. There is a warm glow around every edge, skin smooth, features deliciously masculine.

I hate how good-looking he is.

"Sorry. I no longer accept new clients for dog walks. Though I think our neighbor, Susie, might. You can look up her reviews on Rover. I hear she might even give you an extra treat if you potty on command for her. " I reply, giving myself a mental pat on the back for the quick thinking reply.

His gaze narrows though there isn't an ounce of anger in it. "You finished?"

Am I finished? Oh baby, I am just getting started.

I pull out my phone and start scrolling through it.

"What are you doing?" His brows furrow.

"Looking for shock collars on Amazon. Typically that's not my thing, but for someone like you, I think Susie will need it."

He snorts, and my phone is no longer in my hands but in his.

"Excuse me," I snap.

"Please come on a walk with me," he says. The irritation I expected to bleed through into his voice isn't there.

My eyebrows probably touch my hairline. "Oh, you learned a new word, please! What a good boy!" My gaze shifts to Luna, who is staring up at me as I say, "mind sharing your treats with the wolf? We need some positive reinforcement to hopefully help solidify this new vocabulary word for him."

Luna releases a small bark as if she agrees to share her treats. With a fake smile, I turn back to Alaric.

His jaw twitches. Heavy gaze still pinning me, sunlight still hitting his face with a sultry warmth.

I fold my hands over my chest, refusing to let his presence have any effect on me. "You planning on holding my phone ransom, though? Not to be returned until I do what I am told?"

He sighs, handing it back over. "No. But I know you and Luna enjoy walking through the cemeteries about this time of day, and it's been a while since you have gone."

He's right, and I want that walk. I need it.

"Come for a walk with me." His voice is gentle like he is trying to coax me out without startling me.

The way Luna's nails start tapping as she dances beside me, I know she needs this too.

The wolf and I stare at one another as silence wraps around us. It's broken by Luna's high-pitched whine. It is the push I needed.

"Fine. But only because Luna has been too deprived of walks lately." I grab her leash, and we are out the door in seconds.

Alaric keeps pace beside me. At first, it feels uncomfortable. There's tension around us. It's louder than the silence. It demands my attention. I can't ignore it.

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