Chapter 43

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I brace myself for the impact. Any moment now, searing pain is going to shoot through my body, flooding my entire being, stemming from the collar. Preston will punish me, and steal the attention of the wolves that brought him to the ground.

We failed, but I can still spare at least most lives. Without control of the air, Preston can no longer hope to kill the wolves surrounding us, but he is not without power. He holds a leash that leads to me. He gets to keep me, and they get to live. Nothing has changed.

Wolves part, stepping back as Alaric lunges, embedding a clawed hand into Preston's shoulder. Somehow, Preston is the only one to cry out in pain.

Why has he not punished me yet?

I can hardly breathe, the anticipation of suffering is holding me in a vise.

Alaric leans down, leveling his gaze on the fairy prince. "I am going to enjoy ending you." His voice is even, though the rage within him is palpable. Muscles move with a lethal grace as Alaric stares down at Preston. The wolves surrounding us make no sound as they watch, hunger sparkling in their eyes.

There is a tug at my throat.

Here it comes.

I gasp.

Alaric's attention snaps to me.

There is no pain, only discomfort as my muscles vibrate, bringing the sensation of cold metal to my skin. It is heavy, the weight pressing into me, before separating.

A golden collar falls to the ground before me. The sensation of foreign magic coursing through my veins goes with it. The first breath I take after the separation tastes so incredibly sweet. I am free.

I look up to find Preston's gaze locked on me, and I know that he just released me.

"Why?" My voice sounds foreign with disbelief. I am his only leverage here, and he gives it away?

"I never wanted to be your enemy, Emma," Preston says, wincing in pain with the movement.

Alaric snarls, suspended in a state somewhere between man and wolf. He yanks his hand free of Preston's shoulder and rears back, ready to strike again.

"NO!" A female voice shrieks from the side. Drew approaches with Amber who is held by a massive bear under his command.

Relief rushes through me at the sight of Drew. He is okay.

Amber struggles against the beast with no success. "Please!" Her eyes are wide as she pleads. Her attention turns to me. "Please, do not take his life." The desperation in her voice is thick.

Blood is seeping through the wound in Preston's shoulder.

"As if he has not taken countless lives himself." Alaric states, though, does not strike the fairy prince. Instead, he glances at me and I realize in some fucked up way it is my call. Alaric wants my permission to kill Preston? This wolf never asks for permission. The realization stuns me.

I remain on the ground, my knees pressed to the earth. A shaky breath leaves me as I consider the choice. Life or death.

Amber's gaze darts to Alaric, before moving down to Preston, then back. As if she doesn't know where to look. "We are at war. People die, but it is not a war he started." She looks back at me. "I think you know it. In your heart, you know the truth."

What is the truth? I don't know shit.

I push myself off the ground and finally stand, though the movement is cautious, as if at any moment I may find that the collar at my feet is still at my throat. My fingers reach up, touching the skin at my neck, finding it bare on the surface and within. Free.

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