Chapter 34

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The short hallway is empty when I step out of the bathroom. Voices of those attending the party drift through the space, giving me pause. I don't want to spend any more time with these vile creatures. But where else can I go with the magical collar around my neck?

I take a deep breath and force my feet to move toward the sounds anyway. To the left, there is a door open leading to a dark bedroom, with Alexander standing at the far wall of windows. He is staring out at the cityscape. I pause and consider returning to a room full of fairies who will continue to slide their gaze over to me, making my skin crawl, or joining Alexander at the window. It takes almost no time before I enter the room.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Alexander states when I approach, not taking his eyes from the view outside.

"Stifling," I comment in response.

Alexander laughs under his breath but doesn't respond. Seconds tick by with us staring out a stupidly massive window to view concrete structures with millions of tiny lights where people either work or live. All stacked on top of each other, surrounded by concrete. Some of them are who knows how many hundreds of feet in the air. The city is a death trap.

And I am in one of those buildings. On a floor too high to be safe. The thought makes my head spin even more than the alcohol does.

I glance at the fairy at my side. He appears relaxed and content. Not bothered by my presence, and why should he be? I am a witch with a powerful choker. Tethered by a leash to their Fairy King. How could someone In my position even stand a fighting chance?

To this point, Alexander has been the most tolerable of his kind. I wonder what he makes of everything occurring. He does not view me with superiority tinging his gaze. However, here he is, keeping me against my will.

"What is a blood witch?" I break the silence, figuring perhaps he will answer or, if not, then no harm in trying. 

Alexander peers at me from the side of his eye without turning. When his attention returns to the view, he speaks. "They are thought to be extinct. Witches who have no outward magic-"

"A witch without magic?" I interrupt, confused by that statement.

He turns to me then. "They can not cast spells or use elemental magic like you and yours can. Their magic is different, tied to their blood. They are a weapon created by witches to target vampires." Alexander looks back out the window. "Their blood is like a siren song of sorts to vampires, draws them in, irresistible. Once the poor bloodsuckers have a taste, the blood's spell ensnares them. They will do anything the witch tells them to as long as her blood runs through them."

What he is telling me is impressive. If only there was a weapon against the fairies like this. I lick my lips and look outside. The view makes me feel unbalanced when combined with the alcohol traveling through my bloodstream. I probably should have remained more clear-headed when around monsters. Perhaps the booze helps me not care about asking my questions to a fairy charged with supervising the captive. "What about dragons?"

Alexander snorts, "all curious about extinct creatures tonight, are we?"

I don't answer.

"This is what the Vamp and Xavier were talking about?" He asks.

Alexander juts out his bottom lip and nods as if my lack of a response is answer enough. "Dragons are shifters that haven't been seen in centuries."

I can not help but feel saddened by this news, even though I already heard it from the conversation between the vampire and the fairy king. The way they spoke made it seem like dragons were bad news to the fairies, which is good news to me. If I could be in better spirits, then even the possibility of their existence would excite me. Though not nearly as much as Ally would be delighted. I bet she would already have a list of questions about them as she did with the werewolves. I only have one question. "What happened to them?" I ask, pushing the thoughts of Ally out of my mind.

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