Have u ever be blank in depression and looked around yourself, as if you're far away somewhere in a new world? Where u can't reach people? Where you can't hear them? Their voices seemed as blurred out as your vision? You know u can hear em if u want but u don't try?
When you're facing a loss of life and are fine but other people are being freakin damn annoying? Who remind you that u just lost someone while u were previously unaffected? Ever felt that...?
Sometime I wished I had the guts to say at their faces that
"Shut the hell up! Don't you ever again say 'I am sorry of your loss' to me ever again!"
The monotone they use when they say it? The stupid sympathy in their eyes!?
Sure they have gone through losses of life too, but why don't THEY ever recall what it feels like!? What were their thoughts!?
Here is a poem I wrote when I was zoned out, not because I lost someone, I didn't at that particular time, but becuz one guy, just for fun, said this "I am not sorry for ur loss" at my whining for something stupid.
And it just got me thinking
****Wonder how people cope up
With all the happiness
Wonder how they live
When they're surrounded by the smoke they createWonder how easy at times could be
To smile when you're about to break down
Wonder how life could be
So negative to look atThe things that once brought happiness
Are the reason of emptiness
Yet we try to move on
Aimlessly staring at the groundThe reason to live now seems far away
When someone you lived for aren't there
The reason to cry seems waste of energy
When there are no tears left to shedThey say "move on" all the time
But can they do if they were me?
Can they smile like that in the darkest hour?
Can they not cry when people say "They're Sorry"Do they know how crushing it can be
Do they know how strong their bonds can be
Do they know how foolish they look
When they say everything will turn out just fineMaybe it's the negativity inside the person
But do they try to shove it away
Do they truly understand ever
Do they truly ever cared?A bond of love between any living beings
Is the most strong and heartbreaking
It is the time when you find your happiness
And the time when up filled with emptinessBy 14 year old girl
A small attempt to showcase something never understood by any one of us. The true terror...
When ur friends leave,
When ur pets are no more
When ur hurt.
You'll know what it feels too...

Candid Heartstrings
PoetryThe candid beats of a heart The unfiltered voice inside That finally sets it's free Let me present a mere display of words Behind which, hides memories, anguish, fears, dreams and tears Let's have a view of The poetries I wrote for myself The quot...