
18 2 0

" A heart so pure, has fought a lot to stay this way"

This is what I wrote because it's hard to stay kind in a world where you have to face those who take advantage of you and those who are really critical of you being kind, and those who are protective of you.... All of them giving them reasons for you to not be

"You're so selfish! You can't even do that for me?"
"You did that for her... but you can't even do that for me...what sort of friend are you!?!?"
"You allowed yourself to be used"
"You aren't supposed to throw yourself away like that!"
"Be like that with family, others don't deserve it"
"You're just hurting yourself, they don't care. No one cares"

I am the way I am because I chose to be
It hurts okay
It's not that we are simple
It's that we chose to fight and chose to be this way.....please just stop....

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