A Piece Of Me

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How are you? Having a nice day? Cool. I thought I should introduce myself to you guys.

Well, my real name is Meline [Mé•li•né]. I'm 17 and a junior. My birthday is the 10th of July and my zodiac sign is cancer. I once had a fish and his name was goldfish (I know, very original, don't judge me). I like reading books, listening to music and doing something with my friends. My favourite colour is storm/navy blue. My favourite number is 12.

Now some facts about the story. I am neither a professional author nor am I trying to be one. Because I know I am not. I don't have the patience to right a story. Therefore, I started 'Ella's Secrets'. This story isn't fictional. All stories or most of them are true. They happened in my life. Again I am not trying to be funny, cool or someone I am not. I am simply writing down my thoughts. That's the reason why I don't promote this story, because I don't care if it gets famous or not. These are just my thoughts and everybody can see it, read it, like it, hate it or commenting on it. I would be really happy to hear or read your opinion. Maybe you also have experienced some of the things I did...

Either way, I just wanted to share these facts about me and my story with you guys. If you would like to talk to me or just say hi, don't be shy (yaahs that rhymed!!). You can PM me or on my other social media accounts. The info is in my bio.

Thanks for reading my story means a lot to me. I love you.

C ya!

    M. x

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