Entry 25 (Airports)

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Dear Asher!

Airports. I love them. Why? Because in this particular building we are all the same. We all are going to another country to visit someone either a friend of ours or someone in our family. Or we are just going back home from a relaxing vacation.

Doesn't matter either way everybody in an airport has to the same thing -check in. There are no exceptions. We also have to pass the security check. No matter if you are a new born baby, an annoying child, an even more annoying ass teenager or an old person. It also isn't important what your race is, or the religion you believe in or your gender. We all have to go through it.

Another reason I deeply love the airport is because of it's multinational people. There are so many different people in there that it's really mind-blowing.
I often observe other people (in a non stalking way of course) to see in what language they talk or how they behave themselves. It's really entertaining and kills the time you have to spend until your departure.

Next time you are in an airport just do that. Sit somewhere and observe the different people coming and going.

Asher, have you experienced something crazy in an airport? A marriage proposal, a flash mob, a fight or a beautiful goodbye? Unfortunately, I didn't.

The best part of an airport is that it's located somewhere deserted so it won't disturb the people living around there and it's better the planes. But apart from that I love exactly that. There is nothing around you just you a bunch of people you don't know but they all share one thing with you at that moment and the beautiful view whether is raining cats and dogs, snowing or just a breathtaking sunset or sunrise.

What I also love in an airport are the various shops. I particularly love the food section. The souvenir shops are also a must. You don't necessarily have to buy something window-shoping is also very appreciated.

In conclusion, airports are special places. Maybe you never thought about it that way but after reading this you will start to appreciate airports more and maybe look around more.

There are also many negative and dangerous aspects in an airport but I am sure there are all clear to you Ash but remember to be always careful even if you are observing other people or just enjoying the view never leave your baggage unattended!

Love ya Ashy. Until next time! x

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