Entry 30 (Media)

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Dear Asher!

Today I want to address something very important to me. It is something everyone is profiting from nowadays. Social Media. There are literally hundreds of thousands kids and young teenagers who make money of e.g. lip-syncing to sex songs or rapping with their girly and squeaky voice because they didn't hit puberty yet, some of those people make money showing off their ass or their cleavage. That's insane! Why the fuck do I even bother going to school so I can get in a good university and have a degree when I can simply show my private parts and make hundreds of dollars based on the likes I get? Who the fuck needs doctors or lawyers when y'all can show your parts publically and live off of that? Fuck education, man, trying to grind and twerk sexily at the age of 12 is the new way of education!

What was the original thought behind social media? I bet you all forgot that right? The thought was that everybody can see and read things online at the same time! Nobody has to wait weeks so their post man brings them a letter that says who the new president of the US is couple weeks after the election. There are of course a lot of other thoughts behind it. One of them is what I am doing right now. Sharing my opinion on a platform with the world, which is perfectly okay but it never was the intention to hurt people this way. The purpose of these platforms was to share your works to the world doesn't matter if your passion was art or reading poems or something else. Nowadays everybody is trying to hurt people (celebrities) through clickbait which the biggest bullshit of them all. This isn't fair for the creator to be dissed like that just because they make money because they do what they love. It is so depressing reading all these horrible and absurd things about your favourite creators which are all complete and utter bullshit. They want to make their money based of using their name as clickbait which is even more pathetic than reading the shit they publish.

If I am subscribed to a creator I want to watch them because they are funny, creative or genuinely passionate about their work and NOT because of some bullshit clickbait they make. That's ridiculous. An example: XY is my favourite creator and I am subscribed. WHY? Because I find them funny and entertaining. As their channel grows they have to find a way to gain more subscribers through making ridiculous clickbait such as 'ARRESTED BECAUSE PLAYING TWISTER?!?1?!' or 'MAKING OUT WITH MY SISTERS BOYFRIEND FOR 1000 BUCKS??!?!' or 'ACCIDENTLY DESTROYING MY 2153468723 DOLLAR PHONE?!?!?'.

I grew up in a time where having internet was mostly for rich people. It was luxurious to say the least. Let's not forget that the speed was so fucking slowly that I to wait for 2 centuries to open up a page. I still remember where our shitty mobile phones had a browser but my parents always said if you ever click on that browser be prepared to be grounded until time stops because they charged you based on how long you were using the browser for. We were all excited because there was new technology going around and even though nobody really understood what was going on we started to adapt to the new situation. This invented technology was the best and worst thing that could happen to humanity. It has a lot of perks but every coin has two sides. Creators of any kind spend so much time and money doing what they love and their prices are being criticized because of one small and harmless comment on their new haircut or the way the talk, walk or sing. Nobody on this bloody planet is perfect I don't get how many times I have to remind people of that. What is your goal pointing to others saying their scarf doesn't match their outfit or the way they create their work is 'incorrect'? Are you so insecure about yourself that you have to bring other people down? If yes then you can go fuck yourself so hard that you make your way straight to Hell. If no then go find a fucking hobby you stupid little cunt, spending your time on the internet writing hate comments on people's work because you are a horrible excuse of a human being and this is just a desperate act for attention.

It's really sad what the world has come to. People died so everybody can go to school and what do we do? We drop out of school at any age to do awful pranks on people hurting them to make money or being a stupid drama channel and gain money from other creator's names and their misery.

I did not write this entry to talk bad about social media or the people who really gain their money from making pranks, drama channels or showing off their private parts. I don't give a flying fuck about that. What I really care about is treating people like humans. If you see something you like online then comment saying you love their voice, appearance, work etc. and if you don't then simply DO NOT COMMENT ALL AT!!!! It's not rocket science. If you don't appreciate someone's work of passion then simply click away and do not express your thoughts about it in a hurtful way saying things like 'go kill yourself' or 'drink bleach' or insulting them. But if you want to say something negative about their work SAY IT IN A POLITE WAY!!! For example I saw a video which was okay but the editing could have been better and I comment saying 'hii your content is dope but your editing skills could improve if you use this other program because it's much simpler to use, keep up the good work though!'.

Is this so hard to understand? Is it really?

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