Entry 40 (Acquaintance)

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Dear Asher!

We all have acquaintances but why do we have them? Sometimes there are people in our lives whom we see everyday for a long period of time. You'd think that this leads them to know each other very well right? In some cases yes but there are always exceptions to any rule.

You don't necessarily hate this person or consider them an enemy of yours but you still don't have their phone number or know anything about them outside work, school or college. You just know them from that one place. I have couple of those people in my life. I don't think it's a bad thing to have acquaintances in your life. However though, there are people who became an acquaintance later after couple of months or years of being friends and I happen to have someone like this in my life currently.

I know her from university. In the first week we had to buy a reader couple of streets away from campus and I actually didn't find it. I was kind of lost so I asked a girl who seemed to be heading to where I wanted to go as well. She was very nice and showed me the way. We started talking about who we are and what we are studying. I was very grateful and happy to have found a companion in the first week of uni. After our first meeting we exchanged numbers and saw each other almost everyday in that following semester. I learned a lot about herself and vice versa. Everything was great until the end of the semester. She started to get lazy and skipped most of the lectures and ditched me. I got angry because saying you are tired and it's almost summer is a bullshit excuse to ditch me. I'm just as well tired and I also want to have my summer break and celebrate my birthday but this isn't high school anymore. You are an adult and should know better. She started to make me lazy which I noticed right away so I distanced myself the best I could. Apparently she had other plans.

Her boyfriend who has the same intelligence as a rock gave her as a birthday present a backing course for you. First of all how fucking stupid is that for a present and secondly that shit cost him almost 200 euro which is even dumber. I should maybe mention that she liked backing and shit but I'm sure there much cheaper courses in this city. Her boyfriend texted me weeks before this event that he wanted to buy her this and wanted to ask me to accompany her. Of course I said yes because how the fuck should I know that she is batshit crazy. I just thought this will be a nice thing to attend with a newly made friend. One thing I should also mention is that I am not very keen n backing and cooking so I thought great maybe I can see new things and be more open about it and maybe learn a thing or two from this.

Two months before that shitty course she reminded me once a week how excited she was and to bring stupid empty boxes so we can take our cookies or whatever home with us. Two weeks before I was ready to fucking snap at her. She didn't stop talking about it and again mentioned to bring empty boxes. The day before this godawful event she still was talking about it and AGAIN reminded me about the boxes and that's where I said to her that I knew a couple of days before her about this stupid gift so she didn't need to remind me everyday to not forget the event and to bring empty boxes. I was beyond angry and just annoyed about her childishness. I may sound like a dick right now but you would understand if you were in my place and maybe even react the same way. Finally the day of that awful unnecessarily expensive event came and I dreaded it. I secretly wished it would be canceled or something like hat. It started in the late afternoon and by the way we had to skip a tutorial session to be there on time, which I absolutely hated because I don't like skipping unlike other people I know. Her sense of orientation is worse than her humour. I should probably mention that it was a very cold autumn afternoon so I was freezing to death. We eventually arrived in front of their door and there was no sign or anything on the door that would suggest that that shit is taking place here. I told her to phone the woman responsible for this event. She did and she told her that it was canceled due to the lack of people signing up for it. She started crying like a child about it. The woman also told her that she send out an email to everyone letting them know. She never got that email for two reasons. First being that her boyfriend bought her the tickets so he used his email address and that stupid knucklehead didnt bother checking his emails. I didn't know if I should be happy that I don't have to spend 4 hours in that place with her or should I be pissed that we wasted our time and skipped a tutorial session for nothing if her good for nothing boyfriend would look at his emails once in awhile. She ditched the following week from uni of course to grief. Couple of days after this whole ordeal she happily told me that this organization is working on a new appointment in a couple of months later and she wanted to know if I still would like to attend. I told her to honestly get her money back because there is no guarantee that this time it would work out. She declined and said very optimistically that she would try and see for herself. I found her decision very stupid. She was blinded by her childishness that she didn't see the issue at hand.

After this traumatic event for the both of us I started to distance myself more from her because I cant live with someone who has such a narrow perception of life, who is so focused on her and doesn't give a shit about other people and about what they might feel.

Ash, maybe you wont understand my situation or why Im so annoyed by her because you dont know her personally like I do but I really hope this makes at least a little bit of sense to you on why I reacted the way I did and everything. I still think that she is making a mistake trusting those people for saying there are going to make it happen this time in a couple of months. What would happen to her if it would be canceled again? She would be devastated.

Unfortunately, she has another event planed for Christmas. She is planning a get-together with her friends and me at her apartment. I am really in no mood to be surrounded by strangers. Im trying everything I can to avoid going there and buying her a Christmas.

She is the definition of a leech. In her defence though, she is a great person but there some aspects in her personality that drive me nuts, which I cant ignore.

What I wanted to point across is that acquaintances are a pretty common thing to happen to someone. It even may be that you were labelled as an acquaintance after months or years of a steady friendship. If something like this ever happens to you then don't sweat about it there are so many other people who would love to be friends with you. Take care Ash, don't let anyone stump over you.

Love you Ashy. Until next time! x

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