Entry 32 (Adulthood)

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Dear Asher!

Happy New Year Ash! I know I'm late but I was too lazy to write to you Ash. I'm sorry.

I'm not even gonna bother with New Year's Resolutions because everybody knows that's bullshit. If you want to change something in your life then do it whenever you want. You don't have to wait for New Year's to make it happen. That's procrastinating something important.

Anyways, there's something that has been bothering me for a while now. As a kid you wanted to be treated like an adult because it looked so cool to be able to handle everything on your own and sometimes it is cool to do so but every penny has two sides. When you hit puberty you are annoyed about everyone because your parents and everybody around you still treats you as a child (when I say puberty I don't necessarily mean 12 year olds, I'm also talking about 16 to 18 year olds). Your only wish is to be respected as an individual person. As soon as you start being an adult you realize that nothing is as it seems. Adulthood is cruel and hard to handle.

Every authority is on your ass and asks you what you want to do after school. Is it going to a college? Are you going to work? Maybe both? You have to be quick about your decisions as well because they'll keep bothering you until you have an answer for them. Appling for a job is the most frustrating thing in the world. Half of them don't even answer to your email and the other half always rejects you and gives a shitty excuse on why they couldn't hire you. I wish life was as easy as all these stories where they apply in a high class company and immediately get accepted after a day or so and have a hot ass CEO as well. College is just like school where you have to study your ass off to get somewhere. The only positive thing about it is the freedom they give you in some aspects otherwise it's same old school without the high school drama and childishness.

Something I learned a couple years ago is that you can't satisfy everybody. There will always be a person who will still shit at you because they found something they aren't satisfied with. The most complicated case is parents. Doesn't matter how old you are they will always nag at you for every single thing. For example if you want to help around in the house or something like that they'll say 'no you're too young' even though it's actually no problem at all and in hindsight they'll complain about how nobody ever helped them in the household which is complete and utter bullshit. As an adult it's the same shit just the other way around. The only day you want to relax they'll start an argument saying 'you never do anything in the house, you only sit around doing nothing' it continues with 'now that you are old enough you never help me with stuff and expect me to still clean up after you' which also is complete bullshit because you always help them with everything but they take it for granted and never appreciate it. You will always have to be a slave for your parents until you become independent meaning having a decent job and a family on your own.

Ash I really hope you understand what I am trying to say because honestly this doesn't make any sense to me but at the same time it does...

As I already said, Ash, it doesn't matter what you do in life there will always be a person who wants you to suffer and see you fall apart and nobody can do anything about it.

That's the truth about adulthood.

Love you Ashy​. Until next time! x

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