Chapter 16: How Could You?

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^A true masterpiece^

Nessa sat up groggily and rubbed her eyes. She looked around. She was lying on a grassy hill, and her friends were lying around her. Nessa tried hard to remember what had happened. We won a battle, and then...

Then it hit her like a wall of bricks. Eret had betrayed them. He had led them into an ambush. She saw that her friends were having similar realizations. 

Wait. If they had been in the control room a moment ago, and now they were here, did that mean... 

Nessa looked down at her wrist, and what she saw confirmed her suspicions. You see, everyone in this world had a black band on their wrist. The band had three marks on it, and those marks represented the person's three lives .If you died, one of the green marks would turn gray. When you lost all three lives, you were dead forever. 

(Or, so we all thought before a random green mf beat a child to death with a potato and then brought him back to life.) 

Nessa turned to her friends, eyes wide. "Uh, guys? I think we might've died." The other four looked down at their wristbands and saw that she was right. They had been killed. Just then, Eret, Dream, George, Sapnap, and Punz walked out of the control room. Nessa snarled when she saw them. "You." she said icily, glaring at Eret. 

"You betrayed us." said Wilbur, looking shocked. "Eret, I fought with you for hours!" Cried Tubbo, audibly upset. Tommy stood up and approached Eret, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "Eret, listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." 

(Insert the author having severe flashbacks to the SAD-ist war animatic)

Eret just laughed and shrugged it off. "I was offered kingship of the server. Who could turn that down? Goodbye, gentlemen. Good luck with your revolution." With that, he and the Dream Team walked off. 

"I can't believe it." Wilbur said, still in shock. "How could he just betray us like that?" "Because he's a bastard." said Tommy, anger lacing his tone. 

After about 5 minutes of silence, they had, for the most part, gotten over their initial shock. "Let's head back to L'Manburg and discuss this." said Wilbur. Everyone nodded, and they all walked back to the country that they had thought they had won a victory for. Once inside the walls, everyone stood around the Hto Dog Van.

 Funny. Just this morning, they had been standing right here, unaware of the perils they would face that day, both physically and emotionally. 

Wilbur cleared his throat. "We need to prepare for a counter-attack. Does anybody have anything we could use?" 

Tommy shook his head, and so did Nessa. "Those bitches took all of my weapons and armor." she told Wilbur apologetically. Tubbo looked like he was going to break down emotionally. "Same. They even took my bees!" Nessa gave the boy a comforting hug. She knew how much her brother loved his bees. 

Everyone turned to Fundy expectantly. "I have a crayon suit. What the fuck are you asking from me?" he cried, throwing his hands up in exasperation. 

Wilbur sighed in defeat. "They really did take everything. It looks like we're going to have to start over from scratch." He looked at the four other members of his nation. "But first, we should all rest. It's been a long day." 

Everyone obliged, and they trudged back to their houses, feeling depressed. Nessa went into her house and hung up her jacket and hat. Then she laid in bed and cried for a while. Not only because of the defeat and betrayal that L'Manburg had suffered, but also over the loss of her favorite sword. Because, you see, that was the same sword that had helped her bond with Tommy and Tubbo, all those years ago.

Word count: 650

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