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This is the info profile for the main character.

Name: Nessa

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: Older than tommy, younger than Tubbo 

Appearance: Nessa is a relatively short person (A little taller than Tubbo). She has light brown hair that reaches halfway down her back, and she usually wears it down. Her default outfit is in the moodboard thingie above, though sometimes she just skips the shoes. Nessa's most defining feature though is her tail. She has a cat's tail that is the same color as her hair. No one quite knows why she has this tail, not even Nessa herself. It's weird, because she doesn't have any other physical features of a cat...

Other random stuff: Nessa is skilled in combat, especially with swords and bows. Also, in case anyone wonders, she doesn't have a biological family. She just straight-up spawned lol

NOTE: Sandiego here. In this story, Nessa has Asperger's Syndrome. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a mild form of autism that mostly limits your ability to understand social signals. I'm an aspie, and I thought it would be cool to write a character with Asperger's. So if there are certain parts of her character that seem strange, that's probably why.

(Writing this at 1 am, on a typewriter, while listening to Your City Gave Me Asthma lmao)

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