Chapter 8: Land Of The Hto Dog Van

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Once everyone had gathered the materials they needed, they picked out the place where L"Manburg would be built. That was where they were gathered now, examining the area. "What should we build first?" asked Eret. 

"Well," said Nessa, "Since we're building this country for the sake of drugs, the only logical thing to do is to build a place where we can make and sell the drugs." Wilbur nodded. "We could build a drug van over here." he said, running over to a flat patch of grass. The rest followed him and started building. 

Soon, they had built a large white van. Perfect!" Tommy said. He and Wilbur started building a large wall around the borders and singing Hamilton songs together, but the other three stayed by the van. "I feel like Dream's gonna be able to tell that this is a drug van." said Nessa. "We could try disguising it." suggested Eret, and they all agreed. 

The three of them built a big statue of a hot dog on the roof to make it look like a hot dog van. Tubbo took a step back when they were done and looked at it, tilting his head. "Not convincing enough." he said, pulling out a sign. He attempted to write "Hot Dog Van", but being the dyslexic child that he was, he accidentally spelled it wrong. 

When Nessa saw the sign, she fell over laughing. "The Hto Dog Van." she read once she was able to speak again. "I love it!" Tubbo put the sign up on the side of the van, and Nessa ran off, still wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, to show Wilbur and Tommy what they had created.

Word count: 283 (Short chapter oof)

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