In Trouble

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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Well, Sophie and Zack are back for another chapter! I'm glad that you can join them! :D

I put Zack's P.O.V in this chapter. So beware.

I want to thank everyone that has fanned me here lately! If I haven't thanked you, I'm sorry.

And I also want to thank everyone who has commented and voted for this story! You all are wonderful and awesome!! The most awesome people on Wattpad!

Thanks so much to omgiloveme123! I dedicate this chapter to her! You rock! :D

On the side is a picture of Sophie AFTER she changed ------------------>


-Shelby :)


~Chapter Sixteen~

~Zacks P.O.V.~

"I am very disappointed in you."

I nod my head and look my Dad straight into his eyes, like he's always taught me to do.

Mr. Frank, the principle looks down at my file. "It looks like Zack here, has had a very busy day. He skipped the first three classes today, smarted off to his History teacher-Called him a freak who.." He pulls the file closer to his face. "Is very dull-, one of our Teachers, found him in a very compromising position with one of our students, and he started an argument with one of our best student out in the parking lot."

After Sophie told me that she hated me, I just had to do something. That made me so angry, and I had to get my anger out somehow.

Brittney, was the perfect distraction.

I hated hurting Sophie. I really did. But, she really needs to decide who's more important. 'Cause she's playing a head game with me.

I also have to admit, that I am a litte jealous of Gabe...

The Teacher thing wasn't my fault. He really was boring, and when I fell asleep, he got onto me, and I had to tell the truth.

Dad looks at me with fire in his eyes. "Why did you do all this? You know that it's against the rules."

I shrug and look down at the floor.

"Look at me when I speak, Zack Timothy Green. And don't you give me that attitude."

I look back up at him, and almost flinch when I see his hard face looking at me.

He's more then mad.

Mr, Frank clears his throat, causing Dad to look at him. "I was thinking that we should either expell him for a week, or give him detention every Saturday, and Sunday morning, for the next month."

Dad sighs and runs his hand over his face. "This is going on his permanent record, isn't it?"

Mr, Frank nods his head. "I'm afraid so, Sir."

Dad stands up. "I need to talk to you, Zack." He looks over at Mr, Frank. "Alone."

I gulp, and Mr, Frank says; "I can leave if you need me to."

I want to tell him no, not to leave me alone with him, but Dad beats me to it. "That would be perfect. Thank you."

Mr, Frank walks out of the room, and Dad sits on the desk with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Dad, I-"

"Don't start your excuses with me, you no good brat." He tells me, getting to the point.

My hands ball up in fists, and I grit my teeth. "I'm not making any excuses."

He chuckles a non-humor laugh. "You just can't be popular, so now you're destroying your chances at going to any good collage. Are you trying to make me out as a bad Father?"

"I'm not trying to make you out as a 'bad Father'."

"Yeah right." He stands up and walks closer to me. "You know if we were at home, you wouldn't be sitting down there? You'd be doubled over on the floor."

I look away from him, and he growls and grabs my chin. "Look at me when I speak, boy."

I am so tired of him. Why can't I just get the guts and smack him one?

"So should you be suspended or have detention? Because I'm thinking about just taking you out of school permanently, so I won't have to deal with your pathetic butt."

No. "Detention. Please don't take me out of school!" I hate the desperation in my voice. I hate feeling weak. I hate my Dad.

His lips pull up in a entertained smile. "What? You don't want to be pulled from school?"

My fists tighten. "No. I do not."

His eyes glisten with entertainment. He likes it when I suffer. "Why should I do what you want? I'm the parent."

"Because, I-"

I'm interrupted by a tiny knock on the door. "Are you done in here?"

"Yes you can come in." Dad says to Mr, Frank, and sits down in the chair next to me.

My shoulders drop, like a thousand pounds have fallen off of me.

Mr, Frank sits down at his chair at his desk, and looks me up and down, like he's checking to make sure I'm alright. "Have you made a decision?"

Dad nods his head, looks at me, and smiles. "We've decided that he can do the detention."

I almost hug my Dad right there. I do not want to drop out of High School.

Mr, Frank smiles and writes this down. "Okay. You have to show up here, every Saturday, and Sunday at eight AM for four weeks, starting next week."

I scowl. "Okay."

Mr, Frank looks at the clock that's on his desk. "There's one more period left." He looks up at me. "I suggest that you go to it, since you've already missed four classes."

I was hoping that he would say that I could skip it. I stand up, and nod at Mr, Frank, then walk out, purposely not looking at my Father.

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