The Plan, Part Two.

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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Hey everyone!

This is the last chapter of Zack's P.O.V.

No more Zack after this. :( All Sophie.

One more chapter after this, and then a Epilogue. Then I will have a special chapter, that will have nothing to do with story, ha-ha. :)

I've been making these chapters longer, if you can't tell, because I have so much to tell! But, I guess the longer the chapter, the better. :)

I hope you like this chapter. It's basically the same one as the last chapter that was Sophie's P.O.V, except it's in Zack's.

Enough Talking. Onto the story!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Twenty Six~

~Zack's P.O.V.~

I think that I surprised Gabe.

"What? You really asked her?"

I smirk. "Uh, yeah. Did you not think that I was going to do it?"

He rolls his eyes. "Forget it. What did she say?"

"Oh she likes you, man." I lift my hand to punch his shoulder, but, I stop right before I hit him, because of the evil look he's giving me.

"Don't touch me." He takes a step away from me.

I'm never going to gain his trust.

I stuff my hands in my pocket. "So can you get me those tapes? I did what you asked."

Gabe's eyebrows raise. "And why do you need these again?"

"Because, I'm going to try to show Sophie, that I really do love her. Because I do."

He stares at me for a minute, and I start to regret asking him. I should've known that he would never let me date her.

He's worse then her Dad.

"I guess..." He trails off, and a smile makes its way to my face.


"Wait, wait, wait." He interrupts me. "If I get this idiotic tapes, then you have to swear that you will never hurt her in your life, and if you do, then I will hurt you three times more. Do you swear?"

I stand there for a few seconds. "Well... I am not promising anything, because I know that I'm going to hurt her sometime. But, what I am going to promise, is that I'll always make up with her, and I'll always treat her like I want her to treat me. Because we're always going to have fights. It's human nature. But I'll never hurt her on purpose."

by the time I'm finished, Gabe is looking at me with his eyebrows raised. "Man... You really are whipped, aren't you?"

I laugh and my lips curl up into a half sarcastic smile. "Dude, she has hypnotic powers. It's her eyes." I check the clock. "Now, please go get the tapes. I need them." Everything is set up except for that. In fact, she should've already started her hunt.  I think that her name was called about five minutes ago while I was on the way to get to Gabe.

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